
Showing posts from January, 2013

Science Related STORies: قصص علمية

Books 24. Pages 13.14.15. قصص علمية.zip Visit the link above to download. These should be good. I learned the importance of these stories and vocabularies found in them from my work as a translator. Subhan Allah, learning Arabic means knowing everything in Arabic, not just a little things.  Benefit. InshaaAllah.

Arabic to English Glossaries from NYC Schools - find them here also.  These are very useful, i learned about them from my work as a translator for couple of high school kids in the regent exam. alhamdulillah. 

Qualified Quraan & Tajweed Teacher for Sisters (From Makkah)

Qualified Quraan & Tajweed Teacher for Sisters (From Makkah) Qualified Quraan & Tajweed Teacher for Sisters (From Makkah) So the Quraan and Tajweed school from Makkah has an English branch for English speaking Sisters with English speaking teachers. There are group classes and private classes. For private classes there is a fee: $50 dollars for 3 months. Skype ID: Noor7774 - The sister in charge SKYPE ID: maqrat.quran - Teacher speaking English a friend of mine is taking the classes with her (in English) and SHE LOVES the classes and also the manners of the teachers. (THEY honestly are so nice). And Arabic Branch is so great as well. I love them. So if you want a qualified teacher for cheap price in the school format etc, JOIN and benefit. I honestly recommend joining these classes and joining these teachers, they are soooo good. their manners is really great. may Allah bless them. ameen.

Books 14. Pages 16.17.33. مغامرات كتاكيتو

Books 14. Pages 16.17.33. مغامرات كتاكيتو January 18, 2013 Posted by thuriayaa in  Books 14. Pages 16.17.33. مغامرات كتاكيتو .  Tags:  Books 14. Pages 16.17.33. مغامرات كتاكيتو trackback  ,  edit post Another NEW Set of Arabic Story Books for You

Books 8. Pages 16.24. ننوادر وطرائف العرب

Books 8. Pages 16.24. ننوادر وطرائف العرب  January 18, 2013 Posted by thuriayaa in  Books 8. Pages 16.24. ننوادر وطرائف العر .  Tags:  Books 8. Pages 16.24. ننوادر وطرائف العر trackback  ,  edit post For You All – A NEW Set of Arabic Story Books

STORY Books in Arabic to learn Arabic...

get these: best nurani qayda and its audio

السلام عليكم قد لا يعرف أن ينتفع بها البعض، ولكن سينتفع بها آخرون بإذن الله، ولذلك أتيت بالمتن مكتوبًا ومقروءًا، وهذه صورة أول صفحة من المتن، ويليها رابط تحميل المتن، ثم أربع روابط للملفات الصوتية للشيخ أسامة قاري محمد وفيق. تحميل المتن..... 72.4 ميغابايت، PDF التسجيل الصوتي: القسم الأول 41.4 ميغابايت القسم الثاني 40.3 ميغابايت القسم الثالث 38.0 ميغابايت القسم الرابع 37.1 ميغابايت لا تنسونا من دعوة بظهر الغيب __________________ *************************** غائب... ولعلّي أعود ...

Very good Arabic learning Audios and other materials Very good Arabic learning Audios and other materials