
Showing posts from January, 2010

Playlist of 29 Stories in Arabic - converted to audio from videos Part ONE Powered by Part TWO Powered by

Download: Saudi Schools: Student's Arabic Books Primary school & Secondary School

Download: Saudi Schools: Student's Arabic Books Primary school & Secondary School Jan 11, '10 9:44 PM by Nasrin for everyone Student's Arabic Books Primary school: 3rd Level Student's Arabic Books ( Saudi arabia )ALL Books are in arabic . there is no English translationالـمـرحلة الابتدائية :الـصـف الثــالثPrimary... Student s Arabic Books Primary school : 4th Level Student's Arabic Books ( Saudi arabia )ALL Books are in arabic . there is no English translationالـمـرحلة الابتدائية :الـصـف الرابــعPrimary.. Student's Arabic Books Secondary school : 1st Level Student's Arabic Books ( Saudi arabia )ALL Books are in arabic . there is no English translationالـمـرحلة الابتدائية :الـصـف الخــامسSecondary... Student's Arabic Books Primary school : 5th Level Student's Arabic Books ( Saudi arabia )ALL Books are in arabic . there is no English translationالمــرحـلة الاولى : الصــف الخـــامسPrimary... ...

New download software of dictionary: Al-Mawrid_Al-Quareeb

download software of dictionary: Al-Mawrid_Al-Quareeb download software of dictionary: Al-Mawrid_Al-Quareeb Jan 11, '10 8:10 PM by for everyone

PDF: shar aljaromiyah by shaykh uthaymeen - Saudi Print version.pdf

Don't you think you are blessed. Alhamdulillah. May Allah reward those who shared over online. shar aljaromiyah by shaykh uthaymeen - Saudi Print version.pdf 192856781/f007408b/shar_ aljaromiyah_by_shaykh_uth.html [كتاب pdf شرح] متن الآجرومية. للشيخ العثيمين ـ رحمه الله ـ ـ نبذة: هو كتاب أشرفت عليه مؤسسة الشيخ محمد بن صالح العثيمين الخيرية وأخرج اعتمادا من تسجيلات لشروحات الشيخ العثيمين ـ رحمه الله ـ لمتن الآجرومية التي أتمها عدة مرات في مسجده في العنيزة (الجامع الكبير) سنة 1407 وفي سنة 1411 هـ . ويعد من أحسن الشروحات لمتن الآجرومية ومهم لطالب العلم الشرعي أن يدرسه. والمتن هو كتاب من تأليف : أبو عبد الله محمد بن محمد بن داود الصنهاجي، المعروف بـ "ابن آجروم" المتوفي سنة 723 هـ ـ رحمه الله ـ ـ وستجد في آخر الكتاب ملحق عبارة عن مخطوطة في قواعد الإملاء كتبها الشيخ العثيمين ـ رحمه الله ـ سنة 1386 هـ، وستجد ملحق آخر يحتوي على متن الآجرومية مفرداً. ـ صورة من واجهة الكتاب: ـ عدد الصفحات: 576 صفحة ـ صيغة الملف: pdf مصور ـ را...

An Important Advice to the Learners of Arabic

An Important Advice to the Learners of Arabic Jan 7, '10 5:29 PM by Nasrin for everyone Bismillah ir rahman ir raheem asalamualikum warahma tullahi wabaraka tuhu May Allah grant you and us success in our path to learn the Language of His Book. I cannot advice the learners of Arabic except with what i learned from my experience in my striving to learn Arabic, that is: If you really wish to learn Arabic fast and you want to actually learn Arabic, Then upon you is few things: 1st: of course sincerity 2nd: making dua to Allah constantly to grant you success, to make it easy for to learn fast 3rd: doing one thing at a time, and not jumping from one lessons to another, one dars to another, one book to another, one series of books to another, but Doing one book or one series of books, or one set of dars at a time, or at most TWO, that's it. 4th: the more time you will spend in learning Arabic, the faster you will learn Arabic 5th: the more organized way you will l...