make Your Own Flash Cards of Vocabularies [& others] has so many words on their site, i thought i should buy index cards and make my own flash cards, would be a good way to memorize and inshaaAllah i will record each group of words inshaaAllah and then go over them [words with audio, audios always help to memorize anything fast alhamdulillah.]
Good idea, don't you think? 'smile'. Alhamdulillah.
Really need to work on in building my vocabulary level a lot. and i hope you all are doing your best too. I also ordered for those books: Arabic in a flash vol 1 and 2. alhamdulillah.
i bought the ruled one thinking, this will help me write the Arabic in an organized manner, i am putting four words on each card, in each four corners. [didn't want to put only one or 2 as i will ran out of the cards, and i didn't want to put too many as card will become crowded to look at, then i won't even use the cards]
on one side, i am putting the Arabic and English version of the words, on the other side just Arabic version of the words.
i did this way because on the first hit i would like to study only the Arabic and English side to learn the word and then on the second hit i would like to check myself against Arabic version of the word only, i don't want to check against English. I don't know. i don't want to do it. i think it is better that way.
and Allah knows best. may Allah benefit me with what He has guided me to. Ameen.
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