Improve Your Arabic Now! ! أقوى برنامج للترجمة الفورية

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VerbAce-Pro Main Features

Arabic-English DictionaryArabic-English Dictionary
Extensive bilingual dictionary with elaborated entries and Arabic diacritics
Micro Window TranslationMicro Window Translation
Quick and concise translation by passing the mouse over the word
Phrases and IdiomsPhrases and Idioms
Detection of Arabic and English phrases and expressions
Wikipedia ResultsWikipedia Results
Instant results from Wikipedia
User-defined DictionaryUser-defined Dictionary
Add new terms to your private dictionary with one click
Virtual Arabic KeyboardVirtual Arabic Keyboard
Type in Arabic characters without a keyboard

Advanced Morphological Engine

VerbAce-Pro new morphological engine can analize complex word formations and display the relevant dictionary entries.
The engine also detects and shows the form number of Arabic verbs.

Dictionary Features

VerbAce-Pro features elaborated Arabic and English dictionaries, including:
  • Arabic broken plural and feminine forms
  • English usage indications
  • English broken plural forms
  • Entries sub-meanings (when applicable)
  • Many technical fields covered (Medicine, Anatomy, Law, Computing, Finance, and more)

Search Results Options

VerbAce-Pro offers various search results options:
Partial Matches:   VerbAce-Pro can show entries that are similar to the word you are searching or containing it.
Reverse Matches:   VerbAce-Pro allows you to find an entry by searching for words contained in its definition.


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