Addicted Learners [of ... + Arabic]
bismillah assalamualikum warahma tullahi wabaraka tuhu, the message is for the Addicted Arabic Learners mostly, however it can benefit all Muslims if they use the link i will share inshaaAllah. i will tell you why i called it addicted. It is really an amazing (what should i even call it? thing?!) Ok, it is amazing to see that so many people are learning Arabic language, and trying hard, very hard to master it, giving Arabic full time over everything else to master it fast. Alhamdulillah, this is a GREAT blessing and Tawfeeq from Allah. Whoever has obtained it, obtained great blessing. Alhamdulillah. BUT everyone makes mistake! If you did not know this, lets learn this fact together so we could be easy on each others always in every aspects of life. In learning ARabic, the learner makes many mistakes, from amongst them is: paying less attention to learn NEW words! i say, eat up every new arabic word comes in your way, let it r...