Explanation of Al-Fiya by Shaykh Uthaymeen.

Ash-Sheikh Muhammad bin Salih Al-Uthaymeen explains the famous Arabic grammar matn: Alfiya bin Malik.

I bought this book very recently, alhamdulillah. I dont know which other store beside rimarket.net sells it. I was so happy to see it and couldn't wait to buy it. Alhamdulillah i had money so i ordered as soon as possible before it runs out of stock.

it is still in stock. so buy it insha-Allah.

it's audio is found @ http://www.ibnothaimeen.com at audio section

and may on other side.

it is an advance grammar book. i tried to read first couple of pages, looked advance mash-Allah, it doesn't start with beginning grammar. alhamdulillah.

I was told al-fiyah is a very advance grammar book on both grammar and sarf.

 As Shaykh Uthaymeen advised, in this book - The book of Knowledge - a student of knowledge should take to buy books when can afford and built library. I always thought of it this way. It is very beneficial that one buys beneficial books when one has money to buy them and when books are found before a time when one does not have money to buy books and when books are not found. Many books come out and then goes out of stock and print.

So insha-Allah Buy BOoks When you can afford and make your library.
Insha-Allah you will always benefit from them.


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