Books we are using…

You already know the Books that are being used for our class.
So you have these – download and save these. Make sure you have the audio of it. The audio will help you so much to memorize the matn in Arabic.

and our teacher mentioned this book – التحفة السنية بشرح المقدمة الأجرومية -  that he will use for his explanation as he teaches. and you can find it here for free download:

Arabic: Al-Tuhfat Assaniyah

Bought from Dar-us-salam store @ brooklyn
 One thing if you want to buy the shar of tuhfatus suniyah, the only thing is that it has footnotes that makes the shar and thick and you can find it here: Al-Hulal Adh-Dhahabiya – the picture could be different.


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