Brief biography of our Teacher

He gave us brief biography of himself and that was very nice. His students from brothers side asked and i think the sisters that were there wanted to know too. Me too. i wanted to know as well.

MaashaaAllah, the brother’s parents were convert long before they were married. So he was raised in Muslim family. MaashaaAllah he was an smart child [i am adding it], He studied at the beginning in Islamic school and then he went to public school, by the time he was graduating from high-school he finished learning his arabic. He is from Philadelphia by the way and he learned Arabic in it also.

Then he went to Saudi to make hajj and stayed there 8 months studying with the mashaykh. Then he went to Sana, Yemen and studied there with the mashaykh and then he got accepted to Madinah Uni. and he got into the college of hadith and he finished his graduation this term. MaashaaAllah. He didn’t study Arabic in the uni. as he already knew it.

He first touched aljaromiyah after his high school graduation. He studied with a teacher and in the class he was the youngest one so he wasn’t treated that nice but it was not too long by when he was very expert at it such that his teacher used to pick him to teach the class when he was absent maashaaAllah. After that, his teacher was like you have what i could teach you. So he went on to learn from other students who studied oversea.

and i have the audio of class, inshaaAllah i will try to edit and post it so you can hear him well.


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