Arabic Courses as offered at Brooklyn College

Inventory of Undergraduate Courses

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All courses, unless otherwise indicated, are taught in the target language.

*Courses marked with an asterisk (*) are not counted toward the requirement of no fewer than 24-27 credits in advanced courses in the major language.

§Independent work means not less than three additional hours each week of conference, research, independent reading, and writing as assigned by the instructor. The student's grade is determined in part by the successful completion of this independent work.

Tier I Introductory Courses include basic culture and civilization courses and two core courses that provide a basis for future electives: 2120 Understanding Texts teaches students how to read, analyze, and write about texts from a diversity of genres; 3610 Landmarks of Literature presents an established core of representative texts in chronological order.
Tier II Genre Courses include courses titled Thematic Readings in five major literary genres (poetry, the novel, short fiction, theater, and the essay). The content of these courses varies from semester to semester and it is always presented in chronological order to help students develop a sense of literary history.
Tier III Multidisciplinary Courses expand the study of literature beyond the traditional fields, focusing on special areas of interest in the contemporary world; women; autobiography; moral and religious concerns; historical and social concerns; and the arts.
Tier IV Pivotal and Monographic Courses offer the intensive study of a major author or body of literary works at an advanced level. Their in-depth nature makes them suitable for students toward the end of their course of study.
The college has recently transitioned to a new course numbering system in preparation for the migration to the CUNYfirst platform. Old course numbers are provided in the parenthesis after the "/" symbol.


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