Advice to Learn Arabic from a Noble Student of Knowledge
by Nasrin for everyone |
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Date: 23 August 2011 00:02:12 GMT+01:00
Subject: Donate to Somalia NOW!!
assalaamu alaikum
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![]() | The Importance of Learning the Arabic Language | by Nasrin for everyone |
The Importance of Learning the Arabic Language
Verily, We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur.aan in order that you may understand.[1]
This book[*] and any other book translated from Arabic should never allow the reader to become complacent and hold back from learning the Arabic language, ever! Rather, it should only serve a temporary purpose in assisting the student of knowledge on his way until he has attained his goal in having learnt the Arabic language.When I began my Arabic language studies at the Islaamic University of Madeenah back in 1993, I remember being interviewed by Dr. V. Abdur-Raheem[2] to assess the level of my Arabic knowledge so as to ascertain exactly which class he should enrol me into; It was then that I sought his advice by asking him the question every Arabic language student[3] asks – “O Shaykh! What is the best way to learn Arabic?”, whereupon he advised: “Arabic is not learnt by simply memorising the grammatical rules, rather, Arabic is learnt through necessity...” – thereby guiding me to restrict my speech to the Arabic language as much as possible despite having just started my studies, wAllaahul-Musta’aan!
Poignantly, I recall a popular story our fellow Pakistani students at the University narrate about Shaykh Ihsaan Ilaahi Zaheer[4]. When the young Shaykh arrived at the University as a student he was allocated a room in Building No.2 – which back then accommodated 6 students to a room. Upon discovering all his room mates were fellow Pakistanis he promptly made his way to the Dean of Student Accommodation and filed a complaint stressing that he had come to the University to learn the Arabic language and putting him in a room full of his fellow countrymen was detrimental to his efforts. He politely requested that he be placed in a room full of Arabs, whereupon his request was granted!
Subhaa-nAllaah! Just listening to his Arabic audio lectures is testimony to his mastery of the language.
Imaam ash-Shaafi’ee said[5]: ‘The language which Allaah favoured was the Arabic language as he revealed his Noble Book in this (Arabic) and he made this the language of the seal of the prophets Muhammad. And that is why we say that it is befitting for everyone who has the ability to learn Arabic – that they learn it, as it is the best language.’
So, just imagine how much you have enjoyed reading a translated book; Now imagine how richer your experience would be if you were to read the original in Arabic!
Regarding the student of knowledge, Shaykh al-Albaanee was asked[6]: Is it obligatory upon a student of knowledge to learn and communicate in the Arabic language?
And the Shaykh responded: Learning the Arabic language is an obligatory matter, as has been determined by the scholars, that:
“If an obligatory act [A] requires you to undertake a secondary act [B] in order to fulfill the obligatory act [A], then that secondary act [B] becomes obligatory.”
[That said], it is not possible for a student of knowledge to understand the Qur.aan and the Sunnah except by means of the Arabic language.
As for communicating in Arabic, then it is from the recommended acts, since there is no evidence to suggest its obligation.
Likewise, Shaykh ‘Uthaymeen was asked[7]: It is apparent that many students of knowledge steer away from perfecting the rules of the Arabic language (grammar); Considering it’s importance – what is your point of view?
And the Shaykh responsed: Yes, understanding the Arabic language is important, whether it be the rules of i’raab or the rules of balaaghah, all of these are important. However, based upon us being Arabs, and all Praise is for Allaah, then it is possible to learn without knowing the rules of the Arabic language. However, from that which is complete (and better) is for a person to learn the rules of the Arabic language. So, I encourage the learning of the Arabic language with all it’s rules.
Likewise, Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahima-hullaah) said[8]: “It is known that Arabic is Fard ‘alal-Kifaayah and the Salaf would discipline their children for making grammatical mistakes. Due to this, we are ordered, whether it be an obligation or a recommendation, to preserve the Arabic (grammatical) rules, and to correct the tongues that have deviated from the correct speech. By doing so, we preserve the methodology of understanding the Qur.aan and the Sunnah. We also preserve the following of the Arabs in their manner of (correct) speech. If people were left with their grammatical mistakes, this would be considered a great deficiency and despicable mistake.”
Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen was also asked[9]: Baara-kAllaahu Feekum, is the fact that the Qur.aan was revealed in the Arabic language a justification or an excuse for non-Arabs (for not acting upon it) due to it not being revealed in their language?
The Shaykh responded: No, non-Arabs do not have an excuse or a justification in that the Qur.aan is not in their language; Rather it is upon them to learn the language of the Qur.aan, because if understanding the Book of Allaah or the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam) is dependant upon learning the Arabic language, then learning Arabic becomes waajib. This is because every action that has to be carried out, in order to be able to perform an obligation, acquires the ruling of being obligatory [or - All actions which if not performed first, an obligatory act cannot be performed, acquire the ruling of being obligatory (even if they are not an obligation within themselves, such as walking to the masjid for Salaatul Jamaa’ah (for men), since one cannot perform jamaa’ah in the masjid unless he walks there, the act of walking in order to get to the masjid becomes waajib upon that individual, and so on...)].
Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala) says:
And I created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone).[10]
In this aayah, Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala) has clearly defined the purpose of our creation – our purpose in this life, and outlined the means which shall assist us upon this path in the Noble Qur.aan and the authentic Sunnah – both of which originate in the Arabic language.Considering this simple, yet essential fact, should provide us sufficient incentive to allocate time from our busy lives to learning Arabic which will subsequently open the doors to acquiring greater knowledge of this blessed religion of ours.
And what greater means to seeking knowledge can there be than to humble ourselves and sit at the feet of the inheritors[11] of the Prophets – the Scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah – and take directly fom them!
And as we take from them, we do so in order to worship our Lord upon sound knowledge, as Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala) says:
Say: “Are those who know equal to those who know not?”[12]
‘So he who worships Allaah upon sound knowledge will find great delight and immense pleasure in his worship, as opposed to he who worships Allaah without sound knowledge.’[13] Therefore, as we pursue this noble path, let us recall the words of the Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam) who said in this regard:
«Whoever treads a path in search of knowledge, Allaah will make easy for him the path to Paradise»[14]
...the ultimate reward!I close my sincere advice with the case of a sister who strived and struggled to learn the Arabic language, despite the odds; Despite maintaining a 24-hour routine with her husband, both caring for their two terminally ill children with Batten’s disease, Zakkee - 12 and Zahraa - 10, she still found time to pursue her passion for learning the Arabic language.
Her care shift would finish daily at midnight when I would visit her to teach her for up to an hour, and after I left, she would revise what I had taught her until 2am when she would go to sleep. She would be up again for the Fajr prayer and then resume her care shift at 8am.
My Sister, Umm Zakkee (rahima-hAllaah), died of breast cancer in the early hours of Saturday 16th Ramadhaan (1st December 2001) at the age of 35 years; Please remember her in your prayers.
May Allaah (‘Azza wa Jall) permit her notes[15] to benefit all who seek to learn the Arabic language, and may He (‘Azza wa Jall) cleanse my Sister of her sins and reward her with al-Firdows al-A’laa[16], aameen.
[*] This advice has been taken directly from that which was printed in "The Book of Knowledge" as well as "Islaamic Legal Rulings Related to Hajj & 'Umrah"
[1] The Noble Qur.aan - Soorah Yoosuf, Aayah 2.
[2] Author of the popular Duroos al-Lughatil-’Arabiyyah li-Ghayr an-Naatiqeen bihaa - Madeenah Arabic series of books, and at the time, Supervisor of the Institute of Arabic Language at the University. The Shaykh is currently the Supervisor of the Translation Department at the King Fahd Qur.aan Printing Complex in Madeenah.
[3] My personal study notes prepared during my Arabic language studies at the Islaamic University of Madeenah and more study material – are all available for free download at
[4] Born on 31 May 1945. He studied in Jaami’ah Islaamiyyah Gujranwala and Jaami’ah Salafiyyah Faisalabad. He then started teaching and giving weekly khutbahs up until he left for Saudi Arabia. He studied at the Islaamic University of Madeenah and graduated from the Faculty of Sharee’ah. During his final year at the Islaamic University of Madeenah, Shaykh ‘Abdul-’Azeez Ibn Baaz asked him to deliver lectures on the Ahmadiyyah – this is a very rare achievement. His book on the subject was then printed in Madeenah, but the young Shaykh wished to include in the book “Graduate of the Islaamic University of Madeenah” – before he had actually graduated! So he asked Shaykh Ibn Baaz, who was the Chancellor at the time and he agreed to it. The young Shaykh then asked Shaykh ‘Ibn Baaz: “What if I fail my degree?” Shaykh Ibn Baaz answered: “I will close the University!” Upon graduating, he returned to Pakistan and pursued further education and received degree classifications of M.A.s in Arabic, Islaamic Studies, Urdu and Farsi.
He was taught by some of the major scholars of our time – namely: Shaykh Abdul Azeez Ibn Baaz, Shaykh Muhammad al-Ameen ash-Shanqeetee, Shaykh ‘Abdul-Muhsin al-’Abbaad, Shaykh ‘Atiyyah Muhammad Saalim, Shaykh Haafidh Muhammad Ghondalwee, Shaykh Abul-Barakaat Ahmad and Shaykh Muhammad Naasir-ud-Deen al-Albaanee.
He died on 30 March 1987, at the young age of 42; Shaykh ‘Abdul-’Azeez Ibn Baaz led his funeral prayer in Riyadh, and the secondary prayer in al-Masjid an-Nabawee in Madeenah was attended by thousands. He was buried in the graveyard of al-Baqee’ in Madeenah.
[5] Iqtidaa Siraatil-Mustaqeem - Volume 1, Page 521.
[6] Fataawa ash-Shaykh al-Albaanee fil-Madeenah wal-Imaaraat - Page 35.
[7] Kitaabul-’Ilm - Page 145, Question No.42.
[8] Majmoo al-Fataawa - Volume 32, Page 252.
[9] Fataawa Noor ‘alad-Darb - Translated by Abu Abdul-Waahid Nadir Ahmad.
[10] The Noble Qur.aan - Soorah adh-Dhaariyaat, Aayah 56.
[11] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree, Sunan Abee Daawood/3641, Sunan at-Tirmidhee/2682, Sunan Ibn Maajah/223, Musnad Ibn Abee Shaybah/47, Musnad Ahmad/21715, Sunan ad-Daarimee/354, Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan/88: «...and certainly, the Scholars are the inheritors of the Prophets...».
[12] The Noble Qur.aan - Soorah az-Zumar, Aayah 9.
[13] Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen - Fat.h Dhil-Jalaali wal-Ikraam bi-Sharh Buloogh al-Maraam, Book of Purification - Pages 41-42.
[14] Saheeh Muslim/38, Sunan at-Tirmidhee/2646, Sunan Ibn Maajah/223, Musannaf Ibn Abee Shaybah/26117, Musnad Ahmad/7427, Musnad al-Bazzaar/9128.
[15] “Umm Zakkee’s personal study notes to Dr. V. ‘Abdur-Raheem’s ((Lessons in Arabic Language)) – Book 2; [as taught at the Islaamic University of Madeenah]” – available for free download at
[16] al-Muntakhab min Musnad ‘Abd ibn Humayd/182, al-Ahaadeeth al-Mukhtaarah aw al-Mustakhraj min al-Ahaadeeth al-Mukhtaarah mimmaa lam Yukharrijhu al-Bukhaaree wa Muslim fee Saheehayhimaa/394, Mawaarid ath-Thamaan ilaa Ibn Hibbaan/2434:«...and if you ask Allaah, then ask Him for al-Firdows al-A’laa».
![]() | Authored by : Mohammed Akhtar Chaudhry, Abu Abdullaah |
![]() | The Golden Advice Regarding The Proper Manner Of Learning The Arabic Language | by Nasrin for everyone |
an-nasehah adh-dhahabiyyah fee kayfiyati ta'lumil-lughatil-arabiyyah
(NB this piece has been edited & modified).
Orignal article By Abu Umar al-Jurjani
All praise is for Allah. We praise him and seek hisassistance. May the salah and salam be upon the messenger of Allah and all those who follow the prophetic path until the last day. Amma ba’d: Many brothers have asked me about learning the Arabic language and the best way to arrive at an understanding of the qur’an and sunnah. In response to these brothers I put this small essay together. May Allah grant us ikhlaas and sucsess in our efforts. Some of the salaf used to say, “man dakhala fil ilm jumlatan, kharaja minhu jumlatan.” “Whoever entered into knowledge all at once, it shall leave him all at once.” It is binding upon the student of any subject to gain an understanding and basic conception of what exactly he/she is studying. In Arabic this is called ‘tasawwur’. The lack of a proper ‘tasawwur’concerning the method of learning Arabic is perhaps the biggest problem facing those that attempt to learn Arabic in the west. One simply has to look at the many numerous books on the Arabic language that are currently on the market in the west. With all of these books available, it would seem like everyone in the Muslim community would know Arabic by now but that is not the case. The reason for this lack of learning despite the presence of many decent books is built upon my previous statement about the lack of ‘tasawwur’. As for those who have no desire to learn Arabic or only claim that they want to learn while expending no efforts in that path I ask allah to give them tawfeeq and desire to understand the language of the qur’an and sunnah.
What is the Arabic language?
a) The Arabic language is a Semitic language that is primarily based upon three letter root words. For example we say ‘madh’hab’, this word comes from the root- dhaal-haa’-baa’. This word is derived from the root verb dha’haba. It is expected that those reading this already know this.
b) The Arabic language is composed of different sciences. When someone learns Arabic he/she must understand that he is in fact learning three sciences. Realizing this separation between the various sciences assist the student of Arabic in grasping the language. With this he will know where the language begins and where it ends. It is indeed unfortunate that mostmodern books of Arabic language instruction fail to even mention this. See what I mean when I spoke about the lack of ‘tasawwur’?
The sciences of Arabic are in fact twelve in number. However the sciences that are the most important forthe understanding of the qur’an and sunnah are three:
I. Nahw: It is most often translated as ‘grammar’. Nahw is a study of the language and the various rules governing the words as they appear in a sentence. For example I will now mention to you three sentences and discuss the difference between them please pay close attention.
II. Sarf: It is often translated as ‘morphology’. The actual meaning of sarf is “the metamorphosing or changing of the ‘asl (base/root word) to manydifferent examples so as to achieve meanings that could not otherwise be achieved” The science of sarf is mostly relegated to verbs and that which derives from them. This change is done to stretch the meaning and to also make pronunciation easy upon the toque. An example of changing the meaning through sarf is manipulating the verb ‘nasara’. From ‘nasara’ we may derive the following: Nasara Nas’sara Naasaratanaasara anassara istansara mansar naasir munasarmansoor .
All of these words come from one root verb - nasara. As for making it easy upon the tonque I will provide one example. Let us take the word ‘scale inArabic. It is called ‘meezaan’. This word comes from the root verb ‘wazana’ which means to weigh. According to a principle of sarf the thing which is used to do this action will sound like ‘mif’aal’. If we were to apply this principle here the item used for the act of weighing would be ‘meewzaan’. Due to thedifficulty found in pronouncing that upon the tonque we replace the ‘waw’ with a ‘yaa’ to make it easier. This simplification is broken down into set principlesknown in sarf. Properly applying principles of sarf can sometimes spell the difference between imaan and kufr. For example Allah said about himself in theQur’an that he is ‘al-musaawir’-the fashioner. If someone was to pronounce the ‘waw’ with a fathah instead of a kasrah the word would mean ‘al-musaawar’-the fashioned one (the one fashioned by another). Of course the ignorant one making this mistake would be excused but this simply shows you the importance of sarf in the Arabic language.
III. Balaghah: It is a science dealing with the eloquence of the Arabic language and how to convey proper meanings according to the situation. Balaghah also deals with the meanings of words and they take shape in their different usage. Balaghah is essential in fully understanding the I’jaaz (miraculous) nature of the quran. An example of balaghah may be taken from the Qur’an. Allah the most high said in surah al ankabut, “alif laam meem. Do people think that they will be left alone saying,” we believe” and will not betested with fitnah? Certainly those before them were tested with fitnah-so that Allah may make it known those were truthful and make it known who are the liars." In this noble ayah allah said “so that allah may make it known those who were truthful” in this part of the ayah allah used the past tense verb ‘sadaquu’ which indicates that they were truthful in the past so the test and trial only made apparent that which was already there In the past-truthfulness. Allah then said, “and to make it known those who are liars” in this part of the ayah Allah speaks about those who didn’t pass the test as being liars. Here he used the word’ kaadhibeen’. In the science of balaghah we learn thatthis descriptive word-or sifah implies an established state of the person who is described with this quality.Allah spoke about the Jews and how they disbelieved in some of the prophets and some they even killed. This was mentioned in the past tense in surah al baqarah. However when we look at the ayah we see a special rule of balaghah that gives us more meaning that what is found in the English translation. Allah said about them, “fa fareeqan kadh’dhabtum wafareeqan taq’tuluun.” “So a group of them you denied and a group of them you killed.” Allah spoke about them saying that they denied a group of the prophets. He used the past tense verb kadh’dhabtum. However we find in the end of the ayah he said that some of them they killed by using the PRESENT TENSE verb ‘taq’tuluun’. In the science of balaghah we learn that if a present tense verb is used in a past tense context it then signifies what is called ‘istimraar’ or continuance. Therefore the meaning of this ayah in the context of balaghah is that the jews used to deny and kill the prophets and that they will continue to kill-in this case killing the followers of the prophets way and true path. This is mentioned in tafseer of al aluusee and in tafseer ibn sa’uud.
Learning Arabic-were do I start?
This depends on you. What do you wish to do with your knowledge of Arabic? A boxer will do a workout of a boxer to prepare for a fight. A runner will do a workout that enables him to win his race. If a runnerdoes the workout of a boxer he will not achieve his goal of winning a race. And likewise the boxer who does the workout of a runner will not have the strength to win his fight. So looking at it with this view you must ask yourself, what do I want to do with Arabic? If you wish to read the paper only perhaps the advises listed here will not be a big benefit to you. And likewise the same for the one who only wishes to become a doctor or chemist in an Arabic speaking country. If your reason for learning Arabic is to understand the words of your creator and words of your prophet (saw) and the knowledge that comes from the books and tongues of the ulema then this advice should be of some benefit in sha’ allah.
Listed below are some concepts to ponder upon ·
The reality is that it is very difficult to learn Arabic in the west without a good teacher, determination, time, Arabs or Arabic speaking brothers to mix with and learn from association. It is my personal opinion that one should begin with a basic lesson in sarf from the book ‘binaa al-afa’aal’. Learning sarf in the beginning is the best thing for non-Arabs. In fact this is way Arabic is still taught in turkey, India, and Pakistan and other non Arab Muslim countries. Learning basic sarf will assist the person in utilizing his dictionary properly, which in this time of learning he will have as his constant companion. (Note: the best dictionary in Arabic to English is Hans wehr without argument) the student should learn the basic verb patterns and basic skills in using the dictionary. After this, he will be ready to learn more and look up words with relative ease.
The student should now learn basic grammar. The best book in this area for beginners is the book ‘al-ajrumiyyah’. It is a small book outlining thefundamentals of grammar that are indispensable in understanding Arabic. There are some brothers that have learned ‘al-ajrumiyyah’ and grasped conceptsthat the 3rd year college student studying Arabic couldn’t. One should study this book with a good teacher who will make him understand thefundamentals of the book without going into detailed discussions of grammar issues. As we said earlier, learning grammar is not enough, so you must alsolearn how to pick up words to increase your vocabulary. This part is the most time consuming, sometimes taking years to develop. Here are somepractical advises in this regard:
Level 2/ reading and understanding the book al aqeedah as-saheehah wa ma yudaduha by shaykh bin baz rahimahullah second three-month period
Level 3/ reading and understanding tafseer ibn katheer third three month period.
Level 4/ reading and understanding fath al majeed sharh kitab at-tawheed. Forth three month period.
Level 5/ reading and understanding al-fawa’id by ibn al qayyim. Fifth three month period
Level 6/ reading and understanding hilyah taalibil-ilm by shaykh bakr abu zaid. Sixth three month period.Many may disagree with the books listed in each level but I firmly believe that a person can understand these books (except some vocabulary) after 18 months.
Stay away from English books and lectures. Cutting your ties with them will give you more determination to learn. Advanced study As for an advanced study of Arabic, one must traverse the following path
(NB this piece has been edited & modified).
Orignal article By Abu Umar al-Jurjani
All praise is for Allah. We praise him and seek hisassistance. May the salah and salam be upon the messenger of Allah and all those who follow the prophetic path until the last day. Amma ba’d: Many brothers have asked me about learning the Arabic language and the best way to arrive at an understanding of the qur’an and sunnah. In response to these brothers I put this small essay together. May Allah grant us ikhlaas and sucsess in our efforts. Some of the salaf used to say, “man dakhala fil ilm jumlatan, kharaja minhu jumlatan.” “Whoever entered into knowledge all at once, it shall leave him all at once.” It is binding upon the student of any subject to gain an understanding and basic conception of what exactly he/she is studying. In Arabic this is called ‘tasawwur’. The lack of a proper ‘tasawwur’concerning the method of learning Arabic is perhaps the biggest problem facing those that attempt to learn Arabic in the west. One simply has to look at the many numerous books on the Arabic language that are currently on the market in the west. With all of these books available, it would seem like everyone in the Muslim community would know Arabic by now but that is not the case. The reason for this lack of learning despite the presence of many decent books is built upon my previous statement about the lack of ‘tasawwur’. As for those who have no desire to learn Arabic or only claim that they want to learn while expending no efforts in that path I ask allah to give them tawfeeq and desire to understand the language of the qur’an and sunnah.
What is the Arabic language?
a) The Arabic language is a Semitic language that is primarily based upon three letter root words. For example we say ‘madh’hab’, this word comes from the root- dhaal-haa’-baa’. This word is derived from the root verb dha’haba. It is expected that those reading this already know this.
b) The Arabic language is composed of different sciences. When someone learns Arabic he/she must understand that he is in fact learning three sciences. Realizing this separation between the various sciences assist the student of Arabic in grasping the language. With this he will know where the language begins and where it ends. It is indeed unfortunate that mostmodern books of Arabic language instruction fail to even mention this. See what I mean when I spoke about the lack of ‘tasawwur’?
The sciences of Arabic are in fact twelve in number. However the sciences that are the most important forthe understanding of the qur’an and sunnah are three:
I. Nahw: It is most often translated as ‘grammar’. Nahw is a study of the language and the various rules governing the words as they appear in a sentence. For example I will now mention to you three sentences and discuss the difference between them please pay close attention.
- 1. ‘la tashrubil-laban wa ta’kulu as-samak’
- 2. ‘la tashrubil-laban wa ta’kulis-samak’
- 3. ‘la tashrubil-laban wa ta’kula as-samak’
II. Sarf: It is often translated as ‘morphology’. The actual meaning of sarf is “the metamorphosing or changing of the ‘asl (base/root word) to manydifferent examples so as to achieve meanings that could not otherwise be achieved” The science of sarf is mostly relegated to verbs and that which derives from them. This change is done to stretch the meaning and to also make pronunciation easy upon the toque. An example of changing the meaning through sarf is manipulating the verb ‘nasara’. From ‘nasara’ we may derive the following: Nasara Nas’sara Naasaratanaasara anassara istansara mansar naasir munasarmansoor .
All of these words come from one root verb - nasara. As for making it easy upon the tonque I will provide one example. Let us take the word ‘scale inArabic. It is called ‘meezaan’. This word comes from the root verb ‘wazana’ which means to weigh. According to a principle of sarf the thing which is used to do this action will sound like ‘mif’aal’. If we were to apply this principle here the item used for the act of weighing would be ‘meewzaan’. Due to thedifficulty found in pronouncing that upon the tonque we replace the ‘waw’ with a ‘yaa’ to make it easier. This simplification is broken down into set principlesknown in sarf. Properly applying principles of sarf can sometimes spell the difference between imaan and kufr. For example Allah said about himself in theQur’an that he is ‘al-musaawir’-the fashioner. If someone was to pronounce the ‘waw’ with a fathah instead of a kasrah the word would mean ‘al-musaawar’-the fashioned one (the one fashioned by another). Of course the ignorant one making this mistake would be excused but this simply shows you the importance of sarf in the Arabic language.
III. Balaghah: It is a science dealing with the eloquence of the Arabic language and how to convey proper meanings according to the situation. Balaghah also deals with the meanings of words and they take shape in their different usage. Balaghah is essential in fully understanding the I’jaaz (miraculous) nature of the quran. An example of balaghah may be taken from the Qur’an. Allah the most high said in surah al ankabut, “alif laam meem. Do people think that they will be left alone saying,” we believe” and will not betested with fitnah? Certainly those before them were tested with fitnah-so that Allah may make it known those were truthful and make it known who are the liars." In this noble ayah allah said “so that allah may make it known those who were truthful” in this part of the ayah allah used the past tense verb ‘sadaquu’ which indicates that they were truthful in the past so the test and trial only made apparent that which was already there In the past-truthfulness. Allah then said, “and to make it known those who are liars” in this part of the ayah Allah speaks about those who didn’t pass the test as being liars. Here he used the word’ kaadhibeen’. In the science of balaghah we learn thatthis descriptive word-or sifah implies an established state of the person who is described with this quality.Allah spoke about the Jews and how they disbelieved in some of the prophets and some they even killed. This was mentioned in the past tense in surah al baqarah. However when we look at the ayah we see a special rule of balaghah that gives us more meaning that what is found in the English translation. Allah said about them, “fa fareeqan kadh’dhabtum wafareeqan taq’tuluun.” “So a group of them you denied and a group of them you killed.” Allah spoke about them saying that they denied a group of the prophets. He used the past tense verb kadh’dhabtum. However we find in the end of the ayah he said that some of them they killed by using the PRESENT TENSE verb ‘taq’tuluun’. In the science of balaghah we learn that if a present tense verb is used in a past tense context it then signifies what is called ‘istimraar’ or continuance. Therefore the meaning of this ayah in the context of balaghah is that the jews used to deny and kill the prophets and that they will continue to kill-in this case killing the followers of the prophets way and true path. This is mentioned in tafseer of al aluusee and in tafseer ibn sa’uud.
Learning Arabic-were do I start?
This depends on you. What do you wish to do with your knowledge of Arabic? A boxer will do a workout of a boxer to prepare for a fight. A runner will do a workout that enables him to win his race. If a runnerdoes the workout of a boxer he will not achieve his goal of winning a race. And likewise the boxer who does the workout of a runner will not have the strength to win his fight. So looking at it with this view you must ask yourself, what do I want to do with Arabic? If you wish to read the paper only perhaps the advises listed here will not be a big benefit to you. And likewise the same for the one who only wishes to become a doctor or chemist in an Arabic speaking country. If your reason for learning Arabic is to understand the words of your creator and words of your prophet (saw) and the knowledge that comes from the books and tongues of the ulema then this advice should be of some benefit in sha’ allah.
Listed below are some concepts to ponder upon ·
- You must understand Arabic in Arabic being a self-translator is not the goal ·
- There is no ‘one book ‘ that will teach you all of what you need to know of Arabic.
- Non-Arabs have been learning Arabic for over 1,400 years from Africa to Indonesia so it is incorrect to assume that we cant learn as they did in the past.
- The traditional method of learning Arabic is tried and true and we are in no need of new ways to learn the language. That involves complex systems and tests.
- You will not learn Arabic by simply taking one part of the plan. What I mean is that if you learn grammar only you will not know Arabic. And if you learn new vocabulary only you will not really know Arabic. Rather you must take all of it.
The reality is that it is very difficult to learn Arabic in the west without a good teacher, determination, time, Arabs or Arabic speaking brothers to mix with and learn from association. It is my personal opinion that one should begin with a basic lesson in sarf from the book ‘binaa al-afa’aal’. Learning sarf in the beginning is the best thing for non-Arabs. In fact this is way Arabic is still taught in turkey, India, and Pakistan and other non Arab Muslim countries. Learning basic sarf will assist the person in utilizing his dictionary properly, which in this time of learning he will have as his constant companion. (Note: the best dictionary in Arabic to English is Hans wehr without argument) the student should learn the basic verb patterns and basic skills in using the dictionary. After this, he will be ready to learn more and look up words with relative ease.
The student should now learn basic grammar. The best book in this area for beginners is the book ‘al-ajrumiyyah’. It is a small book outlining thefundamentals of grammar that are indispensable in understanding Arabic. There are some brothers that have learned ‘al-ajrumiyyah’ and grasped conceptsthat the 3rd year college student studying Arabic couldn’t. One should study this book with a good teacher who will make him understand thefundamentals of the book without going into detailed discussions of grammar issues. As we said earlier, learning grammar is not enough, so you must alsolearn how to pick up words to increase your vocabulary. This part is the most time consuming, sometimes taking years to develop. Here are somepractical advises in this regard:
- You must read as much as you can. Start by reading small books on different issues in Arabic. Take a notepad and write the new words down. When you look up a word in the dictionary, underline it with a pencil. If you look up the word again in the future and see that you marked it with your pencil, you must memorize that word, as you will more than likely see it again andagain. Don’t write the meanings of the words in English down in your book that you are reading. That is because you only read the meaning andnot the actual word in Arabic this way.
- You must also learn through listening. In this way you learn how Arabic is spoken and how certain ideas are conveyed. The best thing is to listen and act as if you understand everything you hear. If you cant find a speaker giving a talk then buy some tapes of the ulema and tulaab ul ilm. Some of the clearest speakers are Shaykh Muhammad al-Uthaymin, shaykh al albani , shaykh Muhammad mukhtar ash-shinqiti, and shaykh Saalih aal ash-shaykh. It is also advisable to listen to tapes of those who are not so clear to gain mastery in listening skills. Some of the best ones for that are shaykh Abdul-Aziz ibn Baz and shaykh Jibreen & Shaykh A'id al-Qarni
- Listen to the quran attempting to understand.
- Try to understand the Arabic language in Arabic. Don’t be like some people who only wish to translate everything into their own native tongue. This will take time but it is very important and will cause you to understand Arabic as it is.
- Talk as much as you can to those Arabs who will correct you and help you in learning.
- The most important thing is to always read. If you don’t read you will not gain mastery over the language. You must read even if you don’t want to. Reading will give you a glimpse into the various sciences of the deen and increase your vocabulary
- In the beginning make your primary focus understanding. Most of us will know more words that we can even think to mention in aconversation with an Arab. The same goes for English.
- In learning Arabic, try to test yourself by gauging your progress.
Level 2/ reading and understanding the book al aqeedah as-saheehah wa ma yudaduha by shaykh bin baz rahimahullah second three-month period
Level 3/ reading and understanding tafseer ibn katheer third three month period.
Level 4/ reading and understanding fath al majeed sharh kitab at-tawheed. Forth three month period.
Level 5/ reading and understanding al-fawa’id by ibn al qayyim. Fifth three month period
Level 6/ reading and understanding hilyah taalibil-ilm by shaykh bakr abu zaid. Sixth three month period.Many may disagree with the books listed in each level but I firmly believe that a person can understand these books (except some vocabulary) after 18 months.
Stay away from English books and lectures. Cutting your ties with them will give you more determination to learn. Advanced study As for an advanced study of Arabic, one must traverse the following path
- In grammar - Start with the book ‘at-tuhfah as-sanniyyah bi sharhil-muqqadimatil- ajrumiyyah’. This book is perhaps the best explanation of al-ajrumiyyah. After this book, learn the book, ‘ sharh qatr an-nada’ by ibn hishaam. After that if one likes he may study alfiyyah ibn maalik. Another good book to read is ‘jaami’ duroos al arabiyyah’
- In sarf - Start with the book ‘binaa’ al af’aal’. After that, move on to the book, ‘al maqsood’. For more advanced study, learn the poem in sarf entitled, ‘laamiyah al af’aal’by ibn maalik.
- In balaghah - Start with the book ‘al-balaghah al-waadihah’. After that one may study ‘uqood az-zimaam’ by as-suyooti. Perhaps the best books to read after the book of Allah - to gain strength in the language are the books of ibn al qayyim and ibn Rajab al hambali. Don’t rely on any one book to learn Arabic. The madinah books are notenough in my opinion. Take this advice and seek the tawfeeq of Allah, you should see some progress in sha Allah.
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![]() | Sahlawayhi Series & two more Good Books | by Nasrin for everyone |
![]() | BUY hard copy book: شذا العرف في فن الصرف | by Nasrin for everyone |
asalamualikum... this is the 2nd site i am seeing selling this book, the other site i saw doesn't sell it anymore. very hard to find this book. buy if you wish.




Title: Shatha al-Orf fi Fan al-Sarf - شذا العرف في فن الصرف
Author: Ahmad al-Hamlawi
Editor: Mahmud Shakir
Binding: Hardcover, 144 pages
Publisher: Mu'asasat al-Tarikh al-Arabi: Lebanon

Title: Shatha al-Orf fi Fan al-Sarf - شذا العرف في فن الصرف
Author: Ahmad al-Hamlawi
Editor: Mahmud Shakir
Binding: Hardcover, 144 pages
Publisher: Mu'asasat al-Tarikh al-Arabi: Lebanon
![]() | Madinah Book Series Program - course starting.. | by Nasrin for everyone |

![]() | online arabic learning courses - website | by Nasrin for everyone |
http://www.golden-arabic- index2.html admissions/ali/Pages/default. aspx
http://arabicvirtualacademy. com
![]() | FREE SARF Classes - JOIN now [Book: شذا العرف في فن الصرف] | by Nasrin for everyone |
bismillah asalamualikum wa rahma tullahiwabaraka tuhu
BOOK being covered: شذا العرف في فن الصرف
Teacher: Muhammad Abdul Hameed [Master Program student at Islamic University of Madinah]
Days: Every Saturday & Sunday of Month of July and August
Time: After Zuhr Salah to 3:00pm +
Where: Masjid Ahlul Quraan was-Sunnah Society of NY []
Masjid Ahlul-Quraan wa As-Sunnah
This is an advance course and goes very fast and does not wait for people who are slow and is not ready for this book.
Level 1 of the arabic course going over Madinah BOok 1 - last half of
BOOK being covered: شذا العرف في فن الصرف
Teacher: Muhammad Abdul Hameed [Master Program student at Islamic University of Madinah]
Days: Every Saturday & Sunday of Month of July and August
Time: After Zuhr Salah to 3:00pm +
Where: Masjid Ahlul Quraan was-Sunnah Society of NY []
Masjid Ahlul-Quraan wa As-Sunnah
109-06, Van Wyck Expwy, Queens, NY 11416
This is an advance course and goes very fast and does not wait for people who are slow and is not ready for this book.
Level 1 of the arabic course going over Madinah BOok 1 - last half of
![]() | Level Two medina books PDF formatted | by أبو سليمان محمد for everyone |
Al-hamdulillah, It has been recently completed and formatted for PDF files; the complete level two books used at the Islaamic University in Medina. And I apprepicate those who been patiently waiting for these books. May Allah cause these a means those who use them to learn the Arabic Language, and in result strive to learn the religion of Islam. Insha' Allah I will take as long to finish level three and four of the course. Jazaakum Allah khayran.
Abu Sulaymaan Muhammad
Abu Sulaymaan Muhammad
![]() | the complete level one syllabus from the Medina Books in PDF format | by Nasrin for everyone |
Posted by أبو سليمان محمد on Feb 21, '11 3:19 PM for everyone BEJmMves/level_one_Madina_ Side_Books.html
Bismillah, al hamdulillah , was-Salatu was-Salaam ala Muhammad,
It pleases me to present to my brothers and sisters in Islam, who are striving to the learn the arabic language, that before you is the complete level one syllabus of the Medina Books that are taught at the Islamic University in Medina in PDF format. May Allah bring benefit by way of this to the Muslim as well as the religion of Islam....Aameen.
your brother in Islam,
Abu Sulaymaan Muhammad 'Abdul Azim Bin Baker
p.s. as I, Insha' Allah, complete the following levels I will post the link for them.
Bismillah, al hamdulillah , was-Salatu was-Salaam ala Muhammad,
It pleases me to present to my brothers and sisters in Islam, who are striving to the learn the arabic language, that before you is the complete level one syllabus of the Medina Books that are taught at the Islamic University in Medina in PDF format. May Allah bring benefit by way of this to the Muslim as well as the religion of Islam....Aameen.
your brother in Islam,
Abu Sulaymaan Muhammad 'Abdul Azim Bin Baker
p.s. as I, Insha' Allah, complete the following levels I will post the link for them.
![]() | مفاتيح العربية على متن الآجرومية - Excellent Book - detail i3raab is done. | by Nasrin for everyone |
for those studying arabic. this book is really so great. if you go over this book by reading and writing up to 3 times at least, then i do believe you would be good at i3raab really well, full book is just detail i3raab of everything, so nicely done and a very short book too. get it and master it. inshaaAllah.
مفاتيح العربية على متن الآجرومية
![]() | Stories from Sunnah - القصص في السنة النبوية | by Nasrin for everyone |
I believe these stories from sunnah will help us learn Arabic, use dictionaries and also translation if you are able to find that...
![]() | The Virtues of the arabic language | by maktabah for everyone |
Shaykh 'Uthaymeen said in his introduction to Alfiyyah ibn Maalik, after praising Allah and sending salaam upon His Messenger: "The Arabic Language is a Language which Allah has chosen for this Religion and has revealed the Great Qur'aan with it..
Allah the Most High said: إِنَّا أَنزَلْنَاهُ قُرْآنًا عَرَبِيًّا لَّعَلَّكُمْ تَعْقِلُونَ
Verily, We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur'an in order that you may understand.{12:2} Ibn Katheer said concerning this verse: The Arabic language the most eloquent, plain, deep and expressive of the meanings that might arise in one's mind. Therefore, the most honorable Book, was revealed in the most honorable language, to the most honorable Prophet and Messenger , delivered by the most honorable angel, in the most honorable land on earth, and its revelation started during the most honorable month of the year, Ramadan. Therefore, the Qur'an is perfect in every respect
Verily, We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur'an in order that you may understand.{12:2} Ibn Katheer said concerning this verse: The Arabic language the most eloquent, plain, deep and expressive of the meanings that might arise in one's mind. Therefore, the most honorable Book, was revealed in the most honorable language, to the most honorable Prophet and Messenger , delivered by the most honorable angel, in the most honorable land on earth, and its revelation started during the most honorable month of the year, Ramadan. Therefore, the Qur'an is perfect in every respect
So the Shaykh said: "Do not let anyone who is busy with the seeking of knowledge have doubt about the importance of learning the Arabic Language because by having understanding of it, one is able to arrive at having understanding of the speech of Allah, His Messenger and the Pious predecessors." May Allah have mercy upon all of them.
![]() | Many Arabic <-> English Dictionaries. Download or buy or use online | by Nasrin for everyone |
Arabic Dictionaries. Download or buy or use online | by Nasrin for everyone |
Arabic Dictionaries.
Just to share the download links and also online use and also online buying places of these dictionaries. [two left coming up shortly as well insha-allah]
![]() | Sifaat alhuruf al3arabiyah | by Nasrin for everyone |
![]() | 34 makharej alhuruf al3arabiyah - Correct file - added missing ones | by Nasrin for everyone |
![]() | Advice to Learn Arabic from a Noble Student of Knowledge | by Nasrin for everyone |
Advice to Learn Arabic from a Noble Student of Knowledge named Mustafa George - his bio. is here:
I really loved the advice and he is so right. maashaaAllah. Alhamdulillah for the tawfeeq from Allah to be guided to study Arabic. Arabic so so so sweet language, that's what i believe and i love it. Alhamdulillah.
I also advise my brothers and sisters to become grounded in the Arabic language and by doing so they will to cut out the middle man (translations). It is not befitting that an individual can only learn his religion when someone is willing to sit and translate for him!! So one can only learn his religion when one can sit and translate for him. Example if you learn the Arabic language and this a small advice and yet it is tremendous in meaning, when you learn the Arabic language you can go to its sources (Quran, Sunnah, scholars, etc) yourself.
You can go to the Quran and read the Quran yourself and to books of Tafseer that explain the Quran itself and books of Hadeeth and books that explain the hadeeth, you can sit with the Ulema and contact them without having an intermediary (translator).
The da’ee (Islamic caller and teacher) is someone who Allaah azawajjal has given the ability to teach to people. Especially an English speaking person , but is it the case that its only possible for a person in the West who does not speak the Arabic language can only learn his religion when a da’ee is ready to teach it to him?! That is a PROBLEM. Someone may say: No, but I can go to al bukhari and Muslim myself. But he fails to realize that these books are translated by individuals who took time out to translate. Books like Ibn Majah, Nasa, Abu Dawood, Tirmidhee all these books are translated by individuals who took the time out to translate had they not taken the time to translate these books, where would you be in your religion?!
Books of Aqeedah to Tahawiyyah or Kitabu Tawheed, Qawaida Arba (The Four Fundamental Principles) Usoolu Thalathaa (The Three Fundamental Principles) Kashfu Shubahaat.These books are written by an individual, Shaykh Muhammad bin ‘Abdul Wahhaab, Rahimahullah ta’alaa May Allaah raise him and give him Jannaah.The Shaykh Rahimahullah took the time out to write those books these books are available , now what I meant by the a middleman is how does an individual whether he is in England or America had excess to these books except by way to translation(someone who took time out to translate these books).
Therefore, to some extent you are in need of an intermediary, someone who sits down and translates these books, and if that person does not do this translation, where would you be in the understanding of your religion?! Likewise, in our community, if there is an affair that needs clarity like an issue that needs the attention of a scholar, you have to sit and call the du’aat, and request to him, “can you please ask this to the shaykh for me” .The da’ee has to find time to ask for you and , Alhamdulillah the da’ee he get Baraka(blessings).But when he does not take upon himself to assist you, then how would your questions get answered?
I have mentioned in an article which I compiled sometime ago maybe 3 or 5 years ago what would be the case of an individual who wants good in his religion, and wants to learn his religion but does not attain a strong grounding in the Arabic language? What would be the case of this person if he were to come in contact with Kibaur Ulemah (senior scholars), the likes of Shaykh Uthaymeen Rahimahullaah or Ibn Baaz Rahimahullah. Or let’s say the ones who are present, Shaykh Saaleh Al Fawzaan Hafidullaah, Shaykh Shaykh 'Abdul-Muhsin al-'Abbaad, Shaykh Rabee' Ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee, Shaykh Ubayd al-Jaabiree Shaykh Zayd al-Madkhalee, if you were to come in contact with all these noble Scholars these scholars who Allaah tabaraka wa’taala has placed in your presence so you can benefit from , so how would you benefit from them if you cannot speak the language of the Shaykh? You would give him salaams and he would return salaams “how are you “and it stops there only. Then the Shaykh walks away.
One time this took place, a student of knowledge, at the time he was not student of knowledge, and I was informed, that this individual met Shaykh Ibn Baaz or encountered him. This individual had recently arrived in Al Madinah and he mentioned that he said to Shaykh Ibn Baaz , salaam and was given salaams back and even so much so that this individual he entered, the car with Shaykh Ibn Baaz who invited him to join him in his car to the Haram in al Madinah.
The Shaykh Rahimahullah was asking him questions and the individual did not speak Arabic yet, except from the du’aa of Shaykh Ibn Baaz Rahimahullah.
Therefore, reality is that we have the Ulema who are still living and it is upon people that they should be grounded in the Arabic language, so they can go back to the sources. So they can go back to Quran and the books of Tafseer and the Books of Hadeeth, so they can go to the books of the explanation of the Hadeeth, so that they can contact the Scholars directly and they are no longer in need of middleman. This is something which is extremely important and Bidhinillaah we pray to Allaah azawajjal with His Asma wa sifat, that the believers understand the advice they have been given and they take in upon themselves to gain a foundation in the Arabic language, in order that they can benefit directly from the sources of Islam.
Edited By Mustapha George DeBerry.
Transcribed From A Lesson Given By Brother Mustafa George ,
Sharhu Sunnah by Imam al Barabaharee / Riyadh al Saliheen
Friday, December 03 2010 class/420503-sharhu-sunnah-by- imam-al-barabaharee-riyadh-al- saliheen
I really loved the advice and he is so right. maashaaAllah. Alhamdulillah for the tawfeeq from Allah to be guided to study Arabic. Arabic so so so sweet language, that's what i believe and i love it. Alhamdulillah.
I also advise my brothers and sisters to become grounded in the Arabic language and by doing so they will to cut out the middle man (translations). It is not befitting that an individual can only learn his religion when someone is willing to sit and translate for him!! So one can only learn his religion when one can sit and translate for him. Example if you learn the Arabic language and this a small advice and yet it is tremendous in meaning, when you learn the Arabic language you can go to its sources (Quran, Sunnah, scholars, etc) yourself.
You can go to the Quran and read the Quran yourself and to books of Tafseer that explain the Quran itself and books of Hadeeth and books that explain the hadeeth, you can sit with the Ulema and contact them without having an intermediary (translator).
The da’ee (Islamic caller and teacher) is someone who Allaah azawajjal has given the ability to teach to people. Especially an English speaking person , but is it the case that its only possible for a person in the West who does not speak the Arabic language can only learn his religion when a da’ee is ready to teach it to him?! That is a PROBLEM. Someone may say: No, but I can go to al bukhari and Muslim myself. But he fails to realize that these books are translated by individuals who took time out to translate. Books like Ibn Majah, Nasa, Abu Dawood, Tirmidhee all these books are translated by individuals who took the time out to translate had they not taken the time to translate these books, where would you be in your religion?!
Books of Aqeedah to Tahawiyyah or Kitabu Tawheed, Qawaida Arba (The Four Fundamental Principles) Usoolu Thalathaa (The Three Fundamental Principles) Kashfu Shubahaat.These books are written by an individual, Shaykh Muhammad bin ‘Abdul Wahhaab, Rahimahullah ta’alaa May Allaah raise him and give him Jannaah.The Shaykh Rahimahullah took the time out to write those books these books are available , now what I meant by the a middleman is how does an individual whether he is in England or America had excess to these books except by way to translation(someone who took time out to translate these books).
Therefore, to some extent you are in need of an intermediary, someone who sits down and translates these books, and if that person does not do this translation, where would you be in the understanding of your religion?! Likewise, in our community, if there is an affair that needs clarity like an issue that needs the attention of a scholar, you have to sit and call the du’aat, and request to him, “can you please ask this to the shaykh for me” .The da’ee has to find time to ask for you and , Alhamdulillah the da’ee he get Baraka(blessings).But when he does not take upon himself to assist you, then how would your questions get answered?
I have mentioned in an article which I compiled sometime ago maybe 3 or 5 years ago what would be the case of an individual who wants good in his religion, and wants to learn his religion but does not attain a strong grounding in the Arabic language? What would be the case of this person if he were to come in contact with Kibaur Ulemah (senior scholars), the likes of Shaykh Uthaymeen Rahimahullaah or Ibn Baaz Rahimahullah. Or let’s say the ones who are present, Shaykh Saaleh Al Fawzaan Hafidullaah, Shaykh Shaykh 'Abdul-Muhsin al-'Abbaad, Shaykh Rabee' Ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee, Shaykh Ubayd al-Jaabiree Shaykh Zayd al-Madkhalee, if you were to come in contact with all these noble Scholars these scholars who Allaah tabaraka wa’taala has placed in your presence so you can benefit from , so how would you benefit from them if you cannot speak the language of the Shaykh? You would give him salaams and he would return salaams “how are you “and it stops there only. Then the Shaykh walks away.
One time this took place, a student of knowledge, at the time he was not student of knowledge, and I was informed, that this individual met Shaykh Ibn Baaz or encountered him. This individual had recently arrived in Al Madinah and he mentioned that he said to Shaykh Ibn Baaz , salaam and was given salaams back and even so much so that this individual he entered, the car with Shaykh Ibn Baaz who invited him to join him in his car to the Haram in al Madinah.
The Shaykh Rahimahullah was asking him questions and the individual did not speak Arabic yet, except from the du’aa of Shaykh Ibn Baaz Rahimahullah.
Therefore, reality is that we have the Ulema who are still living and it is upon people that they should be grounded in the Arabic language, so they can go back to the sources. So they can go back to Quran and the books of Tafseer and the Books of Hadeeth, so they can go to the books of the explanation of the Hadeeth, so that they can contact the Scholars directly and they are no longer in need of middleman. This is something which is extremely important and Bidhinillaah we pray to Allaah azawajjal with His Asma wa sifat, that the believers understand the advice they have been given and they take in upon themselves to gain a foundation in the Arabic language, in order that they can benefit directly from the sources of Islam.
Edited By Mustapha George DeBerry.
Transcribed From A Lesson Given By Brother Mustafa George ,
Sharhu Sunnah by Imam al Barabaharee / Riyadh al Saliheen
Friday, December 03 2010
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