Learning Arabic Language of the Quran
مباديء علم النحو | by Nasrin for everyone |
مباديء علم النحو http://www.sahab.net/home/index.php?Site=News&Show=994. |
المحرر : إدارة الموقع - التاريخ : 2010-08-30 05:19:40 - مشاهدة ( 46 ) |
منبر اللغة العربية وعلومها : النحو لغة .. قال أبو جعفر أحمد بن نصر الداودي التلمساني ، للنحو سبع معانٍٍ قد أتت لغة*جـمعتها ضمن بيــت مـفردٍ كـمُلا : قصد ومثل ومقدار وناحية *نوع وبعض وحرف فاحفظ المثلا وفي الاصطلاح : قال ابن جني في الخصائص( 34/1): "النحو هو انتحاء سمت كلام العرب في تصرفه من إعراب وغيره: كالتثنية، والجمع، والتحقير والتكسير والإضافة والنسب، والتركيب، وغير ذلك ، ليلحق من ليس من أهل اللغة العربية بأهلها في الفصاحة فينطق بها وإنْ لم يكن منهم، وإنْ شذ بعضهم عنها رد به إليها. وهو في الأصل مصدر شائع، أي نحوت نحواً، كقولك قصدت قصداً، ثم خصّ به انتحاء هذا القبيل من العلم" موضوع علم النحو : هو أصول الكلام العربي . الثمرة من تعلم النحو : التوصل إلى فهم كتاب الله وسنة رسوله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - ، وأن ينحو المتعلم بكلامه نحو كلام العرب. نسبته : النحو قانون العربية ، وهو سيلة في حفظ أصول اللسان العربي المبين ، وكل متكلم باللغة العربية يحتاج إليه . فضله : فضل النحو من فضل اللغة العربية التي هي لغة القرآن الكريم الخالدة ، خوطب بها الناس كافة على لسان النبي محمد - صلى الله عليه وسلم - . الواضع : أول من أمر بالتفقه في العربية وتعلم لحنها هو أمير المؤمنين عمر بن الخطاب - رضي الله عنه - وأول من أشار على أبي الأسود الدؤلي - رحمه الله - بوضع أصول العربية هو علي بن أبي طالب - رضي الله عنه - ، فتعلم النحو - أصول العربية - من سنة الخلفاء الراشدين المهديين . الاسم : أصول العربية ، العربية ، واشتهر بالنحو . الاستمداد : النحو علم مستنبط من اللسان العربي المبين . حكم الشرع : قال الإمام الشافعي : فعلى كل مسلم أن يتعلم من لسان العرب ما بلغه جهده ، حتى يشهد به أن لا إله إلا الله وأن محمدا عبده ورسوله ، ويتلو به كتاب الله ، وينطق بالذكر فيما افترض عليه من التكبير ، وأمر به من التسبيح والتشهد وغير ذلك . وما ازداد من العلم باللسان الذي جعل الله لسان من ختم به نبوته، وأنزل به آخر كتبه : كان خيرا له . كما عليه يتعلم الصلاة والذكر فيها ، ويأتي البيت وما أمر بإتيانه ، ويتوجه لما وجه له ويكون تبعا فيما افترض عليه وندب إليه لا متبوعا . مسائل علم النحو : هي القضايا التي يتطرق إليها من إعراب وغيره ، كالكلام وأقسامه، وعلامات كل قسم ، والإعراب وعلاماته ، والمعربات ، والأفعال، الأسماء رفعا ونصبا وخفضا . للمشارك "أبو طيبة" وفقه الله |
![]() | LevelOne Sarf class starting after ramadan | by Nasrin for everyone |
A new message received from Fahad Al Tahiri in your WiZiQ Inbox:
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيمfrom your loving brother in Islam Fahd At' Tahiri
to everyone this message reaches to
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
Inshallah Because of many difficulties the brothers and sisters found in catching up with the second batch: A third batch is scheduled to start right after Ramadan with Sarf (Level one)
With priority to US timings
kindly pass this message to those interested
and if already a contact confirm your interest in registering from this moment so you can be updated.
For new comers kindly forward my e-mail to them so I can send them a step by step guide on how to join Wiziq and other important issues as well
My email is Fahadaltahiri@hotmail.com
I wish all of you the best in this Dunyah and in the hereafter, and love you for the sake of Allah
![]() | MOre materials to learn ARabic [Arabic] - Misr and Saudi Books and more.... | by Nasrin for everyone |
shared by same person - maashaaAllah good materials, so make use and at the same time note: only for learning of ARabic - nothing of the deen so wander NOT.
Misr books with CDS
Madina book for children Audio
http://www.archive.org/ details/ AudioToTheChildrensMadinaBook1
Misr books with CDS
some of science saudi new grades 1 to 9 - vowelled
http://ksa-science.spaces.live.com/blog/cns! BC786F7F72FA2331!1709.entry
The information has been taken mainly from the following
USA books
http://www.macmillanmh.com/science/2008/student/ The new Saudi school teaching minhaj
for year 1, year 4 and middleschool year 1 (year 7)
this contains part of year 2 for lughati
it also contains supplements and software-audio - for year 1
Madina book for children Audio
![]() | Good deal of materials to Learn ARabic [shared by someone] | by Nasrin for everyone |
Someone was very generous to share all these useful materials with me to learn Arabic, may Allah reward the person. Please note that some sites are not authentic and i am sharing what i am sharing ONLY for the LEARNING of Arabic. that's it. Do not wander around the sites.
افتراضي اسطوانات لمواد المرحلة الإبتدائية لجميع الصفوف الدراسية الفصل الدراسي الثاني
القراءة والكتابة-الفصلن- ابان السعودية
تعلم مع متقن قراءة وكتابة للصف الأول
I found a book 4 fasl 1 to this set
the best set of grammar supplements I have found on the net
I found the egyptian textbooks last night and these
I am looking for the 3 part the links broken but the others are useful
powerpoint with sound
سلسلة تعليم اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها معهد تعليم اللغة العربية بجامعة الإمام
Audio for the Saudi text books
Grade 1 to 6
higher grade
افتراضي اسطوانات لمواد المرحلة الإبتدائية لجميع الصفوف الدراسية الفصل الدراسي الثاني
القراءة والكتابة-الفصلن- ابان السعودية
تعلم مع متقن قراءة وكتابة للصف الأول
I found a book 4 fasl 1 to this set
the best set of grammar supplements I have found on the net
I found the egyptian textbooks last night and these
I am looking for the 3 part the links broken but the others are useful
powerpoint with sound
سلسلة تعليم اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها معهد تعليم اللغة العربية بجامعة الإمام
Audio for the Saudi text books
Grade 1 to 6
higher grade
![]() | FREE Online Arabic Class .... | by Nasrin for everyone |
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: rajeef musthafa
Sent: Sun, August 1, 2010 11:02:34 AM
Subject: FREE Online Arabic Class ....
Please spread this FREE Online Arabic Class amongst Salafi brothers and sisters...
Sent: Sun, August 1, 2010 11:02:34 AM
Subject: FREE Online Arabic Class ....
Barakallahu Feek
Abu AbdurRahman Rajeef
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: siori ------
Date: 2010/7/29
Subject: Welcome students of knowledge
To: rajeef musthafa
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullaih wa barakatuh
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Faith
I welcome you all to this blessed journey you are about to take, which is the easiest and fastest road to Jannah like the prophet has said sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
because as it is unanimously agreed upon amongst the Scholars of Islam: the Arabic language is the key to understanding Islam that is because this Qur'an and Sunnah have been revealed by the Arabic language, therefore it is impossible for anyone to understand the deen without understanding first the language it has been revealed in.
Omar Ibnul Khattab said: " learn Arabic, for it is of your Deen"
Al Imam Ash'shafi'ee said: " that is because the tongue (language) which Allah has chosen is the Arabic one, so He has revealed His book by it and made it the tongue of his last prophet Mohammed - صلى الله عليه و سلم - that is why we say: Anyone who is able to learn Arabic should do so because it is the language that aught to be learned "
and Imam Malik said: " If I was to reach an aim in sciences, and an end in understanding I wouldn't be out of two sources: The Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet, and there is no way to them except by knowing the Arabic tongue"
and the Imam Assuyuti said: " and the Scholars have unanimously agreed that grammar is needed in every kind of science (Islamic sciences) never the less interpretation of the Qur'an and Hadeeth, for it is not permissible for anyone to talk in the matter of the book of Allah until his full of Arabic, because the Qur'an is Arabic, and its meanings are not understood without the Arabic principles, and so the hadeeth"
And observe carefully how Sheikhul-Islam ibnu Taimiyyah describes the importance of it by saying: " therefore Arabic in it's self is of the deen, and knowing it is obligatory (in general), because understanding the Qur'an and Sunnah is obligatory, and they are not understood except by the Arabic language, and that which the obligatory is only done by is obligatory"
And he also said: " And know that getting used to the (Arabic) Language effects the mind, morality and religion a strong clear effect, and it effects - also - in resembling the first generation of this Ummah of the companions and their followers, and resembling them enriches in mind, religion and morality"
He also said: " Also when Allah has revealed his book by this language, and made his messenger a conveyor of the Book and wisdom by it's Arabic language, and made the ones to be the first to this Religion speaking it = there wasn't one way to perfectly understanding the religion except through perfecting this tongue "
And when the Scholars realized the importance of such a language so vast in meanings, and also realized that the destruction of this language means the destruction of the right understanding of Qur'an and Sunnah they have spent their lives following this language from it's routes (the Pure Arabs themselves) and put sound and strong principles to preserve it until it has become a mighty unbreakable science.
And the scholars have stated that many of the people became deviants because of their ignorance of this language as Al Imam Al Bayhaqi narrated from Abi Azzinad from His father that He said: " not one soul has fallen into blasphemy in the east except because of his ignorance of the language of the Arabs "
therefore the easiest way to perfecting this language quickly and fluently is through the summarized books that the scholars have written for the beginners, because they have only written them after much experience to know what the people after their age need.
and also the ancient ones used to make the beginners start with sarf (Morphology) before Nah'w (Grammar), because in Grammar you are going to learn how to put the words together in a right sentence, but before doing so you need to first learn which words you are going to use, and what are the right forms of words appropriate to use in this sentence, basically each form of a word in Arabic is used for a specific meaning, so you are going to learn which words you should use to express that meaning within yourself and in which form, and then and only then will it be very easy for you - according to the principles you have learned - to put the right words together forming the right sentences.
if you understand this you will understand that what you are going to learn here is something a lot different than what you used to learn in other books such as the Madeenah Book, Arabiyyah bayna yadaik, ...etc, because these books depend on giving you many examples to get you close to the principles, but we are going to do it the old fashion way (how the old scholars did it) which is the exact opposite, meaning we are going to give you the principles and teach you how to base everything you say on those principles, and trust me when i say only then
will it be hard for you to make a mistake in speaking because as the scholars say ( من حُرِم الأصول حُرِم الوصول ) who lost the principles lost the way.
So students: yes it is that easy, but it needs much dedication from your side and remember that Allah gives you according to your intentions, so you have to work on Ikhlas here, you aren't going to do this just for the curiosity of it but you are going to do it because you want to have that tool that will make you understand the Qur'an and the Sunnah from just reading them in many cases.
I can tell you it doesn't need much time from me to teach you this, but remember it will also depend upon your efforts and revision to perfect yourself as well
And the Good news is that it is All Free of Charge! that's right absolutely free may Allah make all of our deed sincere, but the only condition is Consistency in Attendance which i shall explain inshallah in our introduction classes.
I have been forwarded your emails from people who really care about you and have witnessed the importance of such lessons, therefore i thank them for wanting the goodness for others and I thank you for your efforts in getting over all obstacles and barriers between you and seeking knowledge where ever it is for it is truly the best thing you can ever do.
as for the set Timing it shall be three days a week on:
Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday after Maghrib prayer our timing which is 7:40 so for those of you who live in Philly USA that would be 11:40 am and will run for one hour ( 50 Min. of the lesson with 10 Min for questions and answers ) inshallah.
when Ramadan comes we shall decide together how the new timings are going to be inshallah
And we are going to be starting this coming Sunday inshallah 1st of august 2010
I ask all who are interested to join to please send me a reply confirming they would like to join, so i can add them to the invite list in my word document.
as soon as you get this and you would like to join kindly sign up on this free tutorial site where all lessons will be held: http://www.wiziq.com
All you'll need to do is:
1- Register yourself as a Student.
2- Look for the teacher Fahad Al Tahiri (Myself) and send me a request to be one of my contacts.
3- As soon as I accept You will be notified about all classes in your wiziq inbox, just click on the email and follow instructions as soon as you get the invite.
4- Please make sure that you use the same email account that you sent to the admin on the site
We have received over 60 interested students Mashallah, so what you need to do is confirm that you may attend the classes at the stated time above.
Also in case you are not able to meet those timings stated above feel free to determine the feasibility of the timings from your side so we can pick a time convenient for at least the majority.
I Look for a quick response, if you know others interested in the class, kindly forward their E-mail addresses to me (fahadaltahiri @hotmail.com) and the noble admin Brother Ayyub (Russel Hamilton) at (Ayyubuae @yahoo.com)
For suggestions and Further inquiries please don't hesitate to e-mail
Your Brother in faith
Fahad ibn Taher Al Tahiri
From: siori ------
Date: 2010/7/29
Subject: Welcome students of knowledge
To: rajeef musthafa
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullaih wa barakatuh
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Faith
because as it is unanimously agreed upon amongst the Scholars of Islam: the Arabic language is the key to understanding Islam that is because this Qur'an and Sunnah have been revealed by the Arabic language, therefore it is impossible for anyone to understand the deen without understanding first the language it has been revealed in.
Omar Ibnul Khattab said: " learn Arabic, for it is of your Deen"
and Imam Malik said: " If I was to reach an aim in sciences, and an end in understanding I wouldn't be out of two sources: The Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet, and there is no way to them except by knowing the Arabic tongue"
And the scholars have stated that many of the people became deviants because of their ignorance of this language as Al Imam Al Bayhaqi narrated from Abi Azzinad from His father that He said: " not one soul has fallen into blasphemy in the east except because of his ignorance of the language of the Arabs "
if you understand this you will understand that what you are going to learn here is something a lot different than what you used to learn in other books such as the Madeenah Book, Arabiyyah bayna yadaik, ...etc, because these books depend on giving you many examples to get you close to the principles, but we are going to do it the old fashion way (how the old scholars did it) which is the exact opposite, meaning we are going to give you the principles and teach you how to base everything you say on those principles, and trust me when i say only then
will it be hard for you to make a mistake in speaking because as the scholars say ( من حُرِم الأصول حُرِم الوصول ) who lost the principles lost the way.
I can tell you it doesn't need much time from me to teach you this, but remember it will also depend upon your efforts and revision to perfect yourself as well
And the Good news is that it is All Free of Charge! that's right absolutely free may Allah make all of our deed sincere, but the only condition is Consistency in Attendance which i shall explain inshallah in our introduction classes.
I have been forwarded your emails from people who really care about you and have witnessed the importance of such lessons, therefore i thank them for wanting the goodness for others and I thank you for your efforts in getting over all obstacles and barriers between you and seeking knowledge where ever it is for it is truly the best thing you can ever do.
as for the set Timing it shall be three days a week on:
Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday after Maghrib prayer our timing which is 7:40 so for those of you who live in Philly USA that would be 11:40 am and will run for one hour ( 50 Min. of the lesson with 10 Min for questions and answers ) inshallah.
when Ramadan comes we shall decide together how the new timings are going to be inshallah
And we are going to be starting this coming Sunday inshallah 1st of august 2010
I ask all who are interested to join to please send me a reply confirming they would like to join, so i can add them to the invite list in my word document.
as soon as you get this and you would like to join kindly sign up on this free tutorial site where all lessons will be held: http://www.wiziq.com
All you'll need to do is:
1- Register yourself as a Student.
2- Look for the teacher Fahad Al Tahiri (Myself) and send me a request to be one of my contacts.
3- As soon as I accept You will be notified about all classes in your wiziq inbox, just click on the email and follow instructions as soon as you get the invite.
4- Please make sure that you use the same email account that you sent to the admin on the site
We have received over 60 interested students Mashallah, so what you need to do is confirm that you may attend the classes at the stated time above.
Also in case you are not able to meet those timings stated above feel free to determine the feasibility of the timings from your side so we can pick a time convenient for at least the majority.
I Look for a quick response, if you know others interested in the class, kindly forward their E-mail addresses to me (fahadaltahiri @hotmail.com) and the noble admin Brother Ayyub (Russel Hamilton) at (Ayyubuae @yahoo.com)
For suggestions and Further inquiries please don't hesitate to e-mail
Your Brother in faith
Fahad ibn Taher Al Tahiri
![]() | BUY more books of Dr. V Abdur Rahim & Teachers's Books of the Medina Books I , II , III | by Nasrin for everyone |
Arabic books for helping the Teachers of the Medina Books I , II , III | for everyone |
By Dr. V. Abdur Rahim
Kitabul Muallim set of three books
isbn : 978 81 232 00935
isbn : 978 81 232 00919
isbn : 978 81 232 00927
All of the books and more even some new books buy the shaik
Both These Lights Emanate
From The Same Niche”
Lexical and Grammatical Study of
Classical Hadith Story
Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim حَفِظَهُ اللهُ
* Hadiith of Umm Salamah رضيَ اللهُ عنها
CHENNAI - 600 012
TEL: +91-44-2662 4401/ 4332 6446
FAX: +91-44-2662 0682
E-MAIL: iftchennai12@gmail.com
Website: www.ift-chennai.org
I order and got y books in about 5 days from them and the price is cheap because you are paying in Indian rupees
here is an example on how to order books
Wa alaikumussalam
Thanks for your mail. Sorry for the delay in quoting the price. Please find below the quote:
Both These Lights... = 70.00
Al hadith sahlah = 25.00
Nusus Islamiyah = 80.00
Kitabul Muallim - 1 = 50.00
Kitabul Muallim - 2 = 70.00
Kitabul Muallim - 3 = 60.00
Add: Postal charges = 950.00
Total = 1305.00
Kindly send Demand Draft for Rs.1305.00 favouring ISLAMIC FOUNDATION TRUST payable at Chennai, India or you may send the amount through Western Union Money Transfer in favour of Mr. M. ASHRAF ALI (who is our staff) payable at Chennai.
Looking forward your confirmation.
Thanks & Regards,
Joint Secretary
CHENNAI - 600 012
TEL: +91-44-2662 4401/ 4332 6446
FAX: +91-44-2662 0682
E-MAIL: iftchennai12@gmail.com
Website: www.ift-chennai.org
i just sent an email to iftchennai12@gmail.com
here is an example of what I order
Al hadith isbn _ 978 81 232 0074 9
Nosw Islamiyah 978 81 232 0132 X
Kitabul Muallim set of three books
isbn : 978 81 232 00935
isbn : 978 81 232 00919
isbn : 978 81 232 00927
![]() | buy two books --- of grammer new came | by Nasrin for everyone |





![]() | موضوع: الأفعال المتعدية لمفعولين أصلهما المبتدأ والخبر الأحد مارس 08, 2009 8:18 pm | by Nasrin for everyone |
موضوع: الأفعال المتعدية لمفعولين أصلهما المبتدأ والخبر الأحد مارس 08, 2009 8:18 pm
ظن وأخواتها
* تكون الجملة الفعلية ذات مفعولين بعد مجموعات من الأفعال سمتها المشتركة أنها أفعال تنصب مفعولين هما المبتدأ والخبر وعند دخول الفعل يصبح
المبتدأ مفعولا أول ويصبح الخبر مفعولا ثانيا
* وهذه الأفعال هي : ظن ـ حسب ـ زعم ـ خال ـ علم ـ رأى ـ وجد ـ جعل .
* الفعل المضارع والأمر من هذه يعمل عمل الماضي
*( ظن ـ حسب ـ زعم ـ خال ) أفعال تفيد الشك والرجحان (علم ـ رأى ـ وجد ) أفعال تفيد اليقين (جعل ) فعل يفيد التحويل
* الأمثلة :
1ــ ( وإني لأظنك يا فرعون مثبورا) الإسراء102
2 ــ ( فإن علمتموهن مؤمنات ) الممتحنة10
3ــ ( تجدوه عند الله هو خيرا ) المزمل20
4 ــ ( لا تحسبوه شرا لكم ) النور11
5ــ ( فجعلناه هباء منثورا) الفرقان23
6 ــ ( زعم المهندسون الطرق مرصوفة )
7ــ ( خال المستعمرون الشعوب غافلة )
8 ــ ( رأى المؤمن أبواب الرزق مفتحة للجميع )
* نجد فى كل جملة مما سبق مفعولين هما :
1 ـ ( ك ـ مثبورا) 2 ـ ( هن ـ مؤمنات ) 3 ـ (الهاء ـ خيرا )
4 ـ (الهاء ـ شرا ) 5 ـ ( الهاء ـ منثورا ) 6 ـ ( الطرق ـ مرصوفة )
7 ـ (الشعوب ـ غافلة ) 8 ـ (أبواب ـ مفتحة )
* إذا توسط الفعل أو تأخر فإنه لا يعمل نحويا ويحدث إلغاء لعمله النحوي :
مثال : المهندس ــ ظننت ــ موفق فى حياته
( المهندس : مبتدأ مرفوع بالضمة الظاهرة . ظننت : فعل وفاعل .
موفق : خبر مرفوع بالضمة الظاهرة )
* * * : الفعل ( رأى ) * 1 ــ يأتي متعديا لمفعول واحد إذا جاء بمعنى الرؤية (المشاهدة بالعين )
مثال : رأيت الطالـبَ فى الملعب ( الفعل في الجملة متعدي لمفعول واحد . الطالب )
* 2 ــ يأتي متعديا لمفعولين إذا جاء بمعنى علم أو وجد
مثال : رأيت النافورتين مضيئتين ( الفعل في الجملة متعدي لمفعولين. النافورتين مضيئتين )
س1 ( أ )المدرسون مخلصون فى عملهم
( ب ) الفريقان متعادلان فى المباراة
( ج ) الفاكهة شراب
أدخل على الجملة الأولى فعلا يفيد اليقين و على الجملة الثانية فعلا يفيد الرجحان وعلى الثالثة
فعلا يفيد التحويل
س2 أعرب الجمل الآتية :
ــ ظننت السابح فى الماء تمساحا
ــ علمت النزهات ضرورية للترويح عن النفس
س3 تخير الصحيح مما بين القوسين لما تحته خط فيما يأتي :
1 ــ حسبت الأرض كروية . فعل يفيد ( اليقين ــ التحويل ــ الظن )
2 ــ وجدت القمر بازغا . فعل يفيد ( الاستمرار ــ اليقين ــ الرجحان )
3 ــ خال الطفل الخيال حقيقة .فعل يفيد ( التحويل ــ الرجحان ــ اليقين )
4 ــ رأيت الكتاب على المكتب . فعل : ( ينصب مفعول واحد ــ ينصب مفعولين )
س4 ضع علامة ( √) أمام العبارة الصحيحة وعلامة (Ҳ) أمام العبارة الخاطئة .
1 ــ علمت الأمهات مضحيات فى سبيل البناء ( )
2 ــ حسبت الفريقان متعادلين ( )
3 ــ وجدت المكافحين منصورين ( )
4 ــ ظن المستعمرين الشعوب غافلة ( )
مع أطيب الأماني بالتوفيق
محمود حجازي
ظن وأخواتها
* تكون الجملة الفعلية ذات مفعولين بعد مجموعات من الأفعال سمتها المشتركة أنها أفعال تنصب مفعولين هما المبتدأ والخبر وعند دخول الفعل يصبح
المبتدأ مفعولا أول ويصبح الخبر مفعولا ثانيا
* وهذه الأفعال هي : ظن ـ حسب ـ زعم ـ خال ـ علم ـ رأى ـ وجد ـ جعل .
* الفعل المضارع والأمر من هذه يعمل عمل الماضي
*( ظن ـ حسب ـ زعم ـ خال ) أفعال تفيد الشك والرجحان (علم ـ رأى ـ وجد ) أفعال تفيد اليقين (جعل ) فعل يفيد التحويل
* الأمثلة :
1ــ ( وإني لأظنك يا فرعون مثبورا) الإسراء102
2 ــ ( فإن علمتموهن مؤمنات ) الممتحنة10
3ــ ( تجدوه عند الله هو خيرا ) المزمل20
4 ــ ( لا تحسبوه شرا لكم ) النور11
5ــ ( فجعلناه هباء منثورا) الفرقان23
6 ــ ( زعم المهندسون الطرق مرصوفة )
7ــ ( خال المستعمرون الشعوب غافلة )
8 ــ ( رأى المؤمن أبواب الرزق مفتحة للجميع )
* نجد فى كل جملة مما سبق مفعولين هما :
1 ـ ( ك ـ مثبورا) 2 ـ ( هن ـ مؤمنات ) 3 ـ (الهاء ـ خيرا )
4 ـ (الهاء ـ شرا ) 5 ـ ( الهاء ـ منثورا ) 6 ـ ( الطرق ـ مرصوفة )
7 ـ (الشعوب ـ غافلة ) 8 ـ (أبواب ـ مفتحة )
* إذا توسط الفعل أو تأخر فإنه لا يعمل نحويا ويحدث إلغاء لعمله النحوي :
مثال : المهندس ــ ظننت ــ موفق فى حياته
( المهندس : مبتدأ مرفوع بالضمة الظاهرة . ظننت : فعل وفاعل .
موفق : خبر مرفوع بالضمة الظاهرة )
* * * : الفعل ( رأى ) * 1 ــ يأتي متعديا لمفعول واحد إذا جاء بمعنى الرؤية (المشاهدة بالعين )
مثال : رأيت الطالـبَ فى الملعب ( الفعل في الجملة متعدي لمفعول واحد . الطالب )
* 2 ــ يأتي متعديا لمفعولين إذا جاء بمعنى علم أو وجد
مثال : رأيت النافورتين مضيئتين ( الفعل في الجملة متعدي لمفعولين. النافورتين مضيئتين )
س1 ( أ )المدرسون مخلصون فى عملهم
( ب ) الفريقان متعادلان فى المباراة
( ج ) الفاكهة شراب
أدخل على الجملة الأولى فعلا يفيد اليقين و على الجملة الثانية فعلا يفيد الرجحان وعلى الثالثة
فعلا يفيد التحويل
س2 أعرب الجمل الآتية :
ــ ظننت السابح فى الماء تمساحا
ــ علمت النزهات ضرورية للترويح عن النفس
س3 تخير الصحيح مما بين القوسين لما تحته خط فيما يأتي :
1 ــ حسبت الأرض كروية . فعل يفيد ( اليقين ــ التحويل ــ الظن )
2 ــ وجدت القمر بازغا . فعل يفيد ( الاستمرار ــ اليقين ــ الرجحان )
3 ــ خال الطفل الخيال حقيقة .فعل يفيد ( التحويل ــ الرجحان ــ اليقين )
4 ــ رأيت الكتاب على المكتب . فعل : ( ينصب مفعول واحد ــ ينصب مفعولين )
س4 ضع علامة ( √) أمام العبارة الصحيحة وعلامة (Ҳ) أمام العبارة الخاطئة .
1 ــ علمت الأمهات مضحيات فى سبيل البناء ( )
2 ــ حسبت الفريقان متعادلين ( )
3 ــ وجدت المكافحين منصورين ( )
4 ــ ظن المستعمرين الشعوب غافلة ( )
مع أطيب الأماني بالتوفيق
محمود حجازي
![]() | notes: 2objects or 3objects verbs and maf3ul lahu lesson - the last lesson of the last albaseerah intensive course for level 2 | by Nasrin for everyone |
![]() | Learning Arabic Language of the Quran | by Nasrin for everyone |
Learning Arabic Language of the Quran

[ Back to Category ] Next Product >>
![]() | Code: 246 Price: $17.95 ![]() By: Izzath Uroosa Pages: 483 Binding: Hardback Size: 6x9x1" (15x23x2.5 cm) ISBN-13: 978-603-500-065-9 (9786035000659) Edition: 1st -2010 Shipping Weight: 1.75 lbs |
The message of the Qur'an is addressed to all creation, conveyed in the Arabic language. Allah Almighty says: "We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur'an so that you may understand." (12:2) Acquiring command over the Arabic language can be relatively easy for those who are native speakers, but can prove difficult for the non-speakers. The study of Arabic, therefore, cannot be taken lightly.
The books that can impart knowledge of the Qur'anic Arabic are rare. The present book is specifically designed for learning the language of the Qur'an. All examples used in the explanation of Arabic grammar have been taken straight from the Holy Qur'an. This approach aids the beginning -student to enter the world of the Qur'an, allowing simultaneous understanding of Arabic grammar and the Qur'an, which is a very special feature of this book.
Other components that make this book attractive and useful are the simplicity of the language used, and its clarity and effectiveness of expression in achieving its objective. This book can be used by students of different ages whose intention is to learn Arabic with an eye toward proper understanding of the Qur'an.
The author has profound knowledge of both the Arabic and English languages. She also possesses a deep insight into Qur'anic expressions. She studied Arabic in Saudi Arabia and in India. This comprehensive book is the result of her diligence and commitment to learning and teaching the Qur'anic Arabic.
May Allah reward her for this valuable service to the understanding of the Qur'an and make it popular among the students and the academic world at large.
Prof. Mohsin Usmani Nadwi, Professor of Arabic and Dean at English and Foreign languages University (formerly CIEFL) Hyderabad, India.
* View Sample Pages from this item.
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The books that can impart knowledge of the Qur'anic Arabic are rare. The present book is specifically designed for learning the language of the Qur'an. All examples used in the explanation of Arabic grammar have been taken straight from the Holy Qur'an. This approach aids the beginning -student to enter the world of the Qur'an, allowing simultaneous understanding of Arabic grammar and the Qur'an, which is a very special feature of this book.
Other components that make this book attractive and useful are the simplicity of the language used, and its clarity and effectiveness of expression in achieving its objective. This book can be used by students of different ages whose intention is to learn Arabic with an eye toward proper understanding of the Qur'an.
The author has profound knowledge of both the Arabic and English languages. She also possesses a deep insight into Qur'anic expressions. She studied Arabic in Saudi Arabia and in India. This comprehensive book is the result of her diligence and commitment to learning and teaching the Qur'anic Arabic.
May Allah reward her for this valuable service to the understanding of the Qur'an and make it popular among the students and the academic world at large.
Prof. Mohsin Usmani Nadwi, Professor of Arabic and Dean at English and Foreign languages University (formerly CIEFL) Hyderabad, India.
* View Sample Pages from this item.
It may take some time to download. Install PDF Reader (free) if it doesn't open.
![]() | attend this seminar on paltalk or on the miraath.net | by Nasrin for everyone |
![]() | attend this seminar on paltalk or on the miraath.net | for everyone |
Muwayeeyah bin Abee Sufyaan Seminar
attend the Grammar Classes they are aroundhttp://ar.miraath.net/node/1541
i wrote the time wrong by the way, the Asr time is @4pm of saudi that is 9am of EST ...so the grammar is @ 9am of EST time inshaaAllah.
![]() | حرص السلف الصالح على تعليم أبنائهم وأسرهم اللغة العربية | by Nasrin for everyone |
حرص السلف الصالح على تعليم أبنائهم وأسرهم اللغة العربية |
المحرر : عبد الله بن زيد الخالدي - التاريخ : 2010-07-08 23:49:14 - مشاهدة ( 11 ) |
فضيلة العلامة زيد بن محمد المدخلي : قال الإمام البخاري - رحمه الله - : حدثنا أبو نعيم ، قال حدثنا سفيان عن عبيد الله عن نافع قال : ( كان ابن عمر يضرب ولده على اللحن ) . " الأدب المفرد " : [ باب : الضرب على اللحن ] . قال فضيلة العلامة زيد بن محمد المدخلي - حفظه الله تعالى - في شرحه لكتاب : " الأدب المفرد " هذا الحديث فيه دليل : ـ أولاً : على قدر اللغة العربية في شريعة الإسلام وما ذلك إلا لأنها لغة الدين الإسلامي ، نزل بها القرآن الكريم سمَّاه الله عربيًا ، ونَزَل بها الدين بأجمعه ؛ لهذا صار من أكبر النعم على العرب الذين ينطقون اللغة العربية ، وأكبر حُجَّة عليهم إذا لم يرفعوا بالقرآن رأسًا . قال الله تعالى : ( وَإِنَّهُ لَذِكْرٌ لَكَ وَلِقَوْمِكَ وَسَوْفَ تُسْأَلُونَ ) . [ الزخرف : 44 ] . وإن القرآن لذكر لك يا محمد ولقومك : أي شرف وحظ ، وسوف تسألون : هل قمتم بحق هذا الشرف والحظ العظيم أم لا !؟ وقال - عز وجل - : ( لَقَدْ أَنْزَلْنَا إِلَيْكُمْ كِتَابًا فِيهِ ذِكْرُكُمْ أَفَلَا تَعْقِلُونَ ) . [ الأنبياء : 10 ] . أي : شرفكم وعزكم أفلا تعقلون !؟ لذا كان السلف يحرصون أن ينطق أبناؤهم اللغة العربية الفصحى ؛ لأنها لغة الدين ولا يسمحون لهم باللغات الدارِجة التي لا معنى لها ولا تتفق مع اللغة العربية ، ثم بعد ذلك انتشرت اللغات الدارِجة لما توسعت رقعة ديار الإسلام . انتشرت اللغات الدارِجة ؛ فقضت على اللغة العربية لا يدركها إلا من تعلم قواعدها ! وهم العرب أهل اللغة ! راحت ... اندرست منهم بلغات محلية مخالفة لللغة العربية ، فأصبحت اللغة العربية لا تدرك على وجه التمام إلا بالدراسة وبذل الجهود فيها ، والسبب اللغات الدارِجة التي تختلف باختلاف الأماكن والجهات والأقاليم . فتجد مثلاً في المنطقة الواحدة لغات متعددة تخالف اللغة العربية ملحونة لا معنى لها ، والناس يتخاطبون بها الصغير والكبير ، والكبير يُلَقِّن الصغير اللغة الدارِجة ، فلو أن الناس حرِصوا على قواعد اللغة العربية وعلموها الأبناء الصغار لمشوا على النطق بها . وهذه خسارة عظيمة . لا يستطيع الآن لا كبير ولا صغير ، ولا متعلم ولا غير متعلم أن ينطق في التخاطب باللغة العربية الفصيحة ، إلا باللغات الدارِجة في البيت التي من تأملها تمام التأمل وجدها لا تتفق مع قواعد اللغة العربية أبدًا ، وهذه خسارة عظيمة . حلُّها الانتباه من طلبة العلم ، ومن أهل الأُسر : أن يَتَفَهموا اللغة العربية وهذه اللغات الدارِجة ، فيعلمون اللغة العربية الصحيحة للصغار والنساء والكبار ، ويشطبون على اللغات التي ليس لها معنى صحيح ؛ ولكنهم يفهمون معانيها بما أتفقوا عليه من الغلط والخطأ . هذا في المنطقة الواحدة ! فما بالك بالأقاليم المتباعدة !؟ كل جهة لهم لغات دارِجة حطمت اللغة العربية الفصحى التي كان يحرص عليها السلف ويعلموها أبناءهم وأسرهم . فإلى الله المشتكى . |
![]() | now online = Summer Quraan and Arabic Courses | by Nasrin for everyone |
Assalaamu alaikum Nasrin Akther
Assalaamu alaikum
Arabic Courses is announcing its Summer courses for 2010
1) Al-Aajroomiyyah, Part 1 (with online option)
2) Qur'aan Reading and Memorisation Lessons
3)Last Third of Madeenah Book 1 for sisters.
4) Foundation Level 2 for sisters
5) Foundation Level 1 for Brothers
6) Summer Arabic Class Madeenah Book 1 (up to 20% discount available, and online option available)
7) Summer Arabic Class Madeenah Book 2 (up to 20% discount available, and online option available)
Al-Aajuroomiyyah (A3.1 part 1)
The first of our lessons, and most important is the study of al-Aajuroomiyyah. During this module, the student will also have the privilege of studying our very own compilation of this classic book taken from a variety of explanations from the scholars. We have also integrated in our course material over 100 verses of the Qur\Õan as a means to both apply the verses of the Qur\Õan in explaining the Arabic language, and to study parts of the Qur\Õan in the native language, brining the student that one bit closer to understanding the Speech of Allah.
This course will cover half of Al-Aajuroomiyyah. The other half will begin in shaa Allah after Ramadan.
This lesson will be twice a week:
Tuesdays and Fridays.
Starting 29th June,
Ending 30th July
All courses materials will be provided
The First lesson has been recorded and will be available online soon in order to view how the lesson will be conducted.
Qur'an Reading/Memorisation with Tajweed classes (Brothers & Sisters in separate classes)
For those who can recognise and read the letters, this class is catered for you. Even if your reading is slow or your tajweed needs improving, this class will definitely be suited to you*.
During this 8 week Course, you will be required to begin memorising the Qur'an
This lesson will be once a week:
Starting 4th July,
Ending 22nd August.
Time: 2pm-4pm
*This class is not suitable for those who cannot recognise the letters, or cannot connect the letters together to read words.
Level 1.3 Sisters weekly class
For those who have already studied the Madeenah Book 1 series, but wanted a short course to catch up and revise before moving onto the next level, we will be starting our A1.3 lesson for sisters only. This unit will begin from chapter 13 of the Madeenah Book 1 Series. This lesson is ideally suited for those who don't want to start from the beginning of the whole book, but wish to complete it at a slow easy pace.
This lesson will be once a week:
Starting 5th July,
Ending 2nd August
Time: 6pm-8pm
Our class sizes are small, with no more than 10 people, so please book now without delay to secure your place.
All courses materials will be provided
Foundation Level 2 Sisters
This unit will teach those who already know the letters but have difficulty in reading how to read. This will be a lesson aimed at those who wish to learn how to read the Qur'an, and would be ideal for those who wish to prepare themselves for the month of Ramadhaan.
From the topics that will be covered will be how to read the letters once joined together in a word. How to read the 'Harakaat' on each letter and how to pronounce the letters properly according to the rules of Tajweed.
This lesson will be once a week:
Starting 3th July,
Ending 21st August
Time: 1pm-3pm
Class sizes are small so enrol today to avoid disappointment.
Foundation Level 1 Brothers
This Foundation course will teach the very basics needed to begin to start reading Arabic. The student will learn the letters, and how to pronounce them properly. We will provide all the class notes and materials.
This lesson will be twice a week:
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Starting 6th July,
Ending 29th July
Time: 6pm-8pm
Level 1 Summer Arabic Class
This is a Summer semi-intensive Arabic lesson aimed at teaching the Madeenah Book 1 Arabic Course, with some additional materials also taught in the islamic university of Madeenah. This lesson will be an interactive lesson with the teacher who has graduated from the Islamic University of Madeenah.
This lesson will be three times a week:
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Starting 5th July,
Ending 30th July
Time: 12pm-3pm
We are also offering discounts of up to 20%* for this Summer course**
All courses materials will be provided
Level 2.1 Summer Arabic Class
This Summer class will cover the first part of the Madeenah Book 2 series*. During this lesson, the student will learn about the foundations of 'Iraab'**, how to distinguish between its rulings, its reasons and its signs. The student cover the first 9 chapters
This lesson would be an excellent start for those who have completed at least the Madeenah Book 1 series, and want to start and complete the first third of Book 2 before Ramadhaan. The remainder of Book 2 will be completed after Eed.
This lesson will be twice a week:
Tuesday, Thursday
Starting 6th July,
Ending 5th August
Time: 2pm-4pm
Class sizes are no more than 10, to increase quality and maximise benefit. The teacher will be a graduate from the Islamic University of Madeenah.
We are also offering discounts of up to 20%* for this Summer course**
All courses materials will be provided
Enrol now to avoid disappointment.
* A 10% discount will be offered to those who pay the full fees before the start date, and a further 10% will be refunded at the end of the course for those who have over 90% attendance, late to class no more than 3 times and has achieved an overall exam result of over 90%.
** This discount is only available for the summer courses, and do not apply to every course that we organise and run.
Our main teacher is Brother Mu'aawiyah Tucker, (Graduate from Islamic University of al-Madeenah in Islamic Law), and his Wife.
We also have running Sisters KickBoxing classes
Kickboxing For sisters only
Lesson will take place on Friday's 9:30am-10:30
also on Wednesday's 6:00pm-8:00. Please contact us asap, as spaces get full very quickly.
You can now follow updates, and announcements about our courses and events from 'Facebook' and 'Twitter'.
Become a 'fan' of our page on facebook here => http://www.facebook.com/pages/ London-United-Kingdom/Arabic- Coursescom/338076707633
Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/Arabic_ Courses
Please forward this email to your friends and family.
If you wish to be un-subscribed to this mailing list then just follow this link => http://www.arabic-courses.com/ mailout/unsubscribe.php? emailid=2106
If you wish to change the way in which you receive mail from us about events, like change the regularity, or the different types of information you will receive, then follow this link => http://www.arabic-courses.com/ mailout/mailinglistedit.php? emailid=2106
222 High Road
London E11 3HU
020 8519 0502
020 8133 2029
Assalaamu alaikum
Arabic Courses is announcing its Summer courses for 2010
1) Al-Aajroomiyyah, Part 1 (with online option)
2) Qur'aan Reading and Memorisation Lessons
3)Last Third of Madeenah Book 1 for sisters.
4) Foundation Level 2 for sisters
5) Foundation Level 1 for Brothers
6) Summer Arabic Class Madeenah Book 1 (up to 20% discount available, and online option available)
7) Summer Arabic Class Madeenah Book 2 (up to 20% discount available, and online option available)
Al-Aajuroomiyyah (A3.1 part 1)
The first of our lessons, and most important is the study of al-Aajuroomiyyah. During this module, the student will also have the privilege of studying our very own compilation of this classic book taken from a variety of explanations from the scholars. We have also integrated in our course material over 100 verses of the Qur\Õan as a means to both apply the verses of the Qur\Õan in explaining the Arabic language, and to study parts of the Qur\Õan in the native language, brining the student that one bit closer to understanding the Speech of Allah.
This course will cover half of Al-Aajuroomiyyah. The other half will begin in shaa Allah after Ramadan.
This lesson will be twice a week:
Tuesdays and Fridays.
Starting 29th June,
Ending 30th July
All courses materials will be provided
The First lesson has been recorded and will be available online soon in order to view how the lesson will be conducted.
Qur'an Reading/Memorisation with Tajweed classes (Brothers & Sisters in separate classes)
For those who can recognise and read the letters, this class is catered for you. Even if your reading is slow or your tajweed needs improving, this class will definitely be suited to you*.
During this 8 week Course, you will be required to begin memorising the Qur'an
This lesson will be once a week:
Starting 4th July,
Ending 22nd August.
Time: 2pm-4pm
*This class is not suitable for those who cannot recognise the letters, or cannot connect the letters together to read words.
Level 1.3 Sisters weekly class
For those who have already studied the Madeenah Book 1 series, but wanted a short course to catch up and revise before moving onto the next level, we will be starting our A1.3 lesson for sisters only. This unit will begin from chapter 13 of the Madeenah Book 1 Series. This lesson is ideally suited for those who don't want to start from the beginning of the whole book, but wish to complete it at a slow easy pace.
This lesson will be once a week:
Starting 5th July,
Ending 2nd August
Time: 6pm-8pm
Our class sizes are small, with no more than 10 people, so please book now without delay to secure your place.
All courses materials will be provided
Foundation Level 2 Sisters
This unit will teach those who already know the letters but have difficulty in reading how to read. This will be a lesson aimed at those who wish to learn how to read the Qur'an, and would be ideal for those who wish to prepare themselves for the month of Ramadhaan.
From the topics that will be covered will be how to read the letters once joined together in a word. How to read the 'Harakaat' on each letter and how to pronounce the letters properly according to the rules of Tajweed.
This lesson will be once a week:
Starting 3th July,
Ending 21st August
Time: 1pm-3pm
Class sizes are small so enrol today to avoid disappointment.
Foundation Level 1 Brothers
This Foundation course will teach the very basics needed to begin to start reading Arabic. The student will learn the letters, and how to pronounce them properly. We will provide all the class notes and materials.
This lesson will be twice a week:
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Starting 6th July,
Ending 29th July
Time: 6pm-8pm
Level 1 Summer Arabic Class
This is a Summer semi-intensive Arabic lesson aimed at teaching the Madeenah Book 1 Arabic Course, with some additional materials also taught in the islamic university of Madeenah. This lesson will be an interactive lesson with the teacher who has graduated from the Islamic University of Madeenah.
This lesson will be three times a week:
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Starting 5th July,
Ending 30th July
Time: 12pm-3pm
We are also offering discounts of up to 20%* for this Summer course**
All courses materials will be provided
Level 2.1 Summer Arabic Class
This Summer class will cover the first part of the Madeenah Book 2 series*. During this lesson, the student will learn about the foundations of 'Iraab'**, how to distinguish between its rulings, its reasons and its signs. The student cover the first 9 chapters
This lesson would be an excellent start for those who have completed at least the Madeenah Book 1 series, and want to start and complete the first third of Book 2 before Ramadhaan. The remainder of Book 2 will be completed after Eed.
This lesson will be twice a week:
Tuesday, Thursday
Starting 6th July,
Ending 5th August
Time: 2pm-4pm
Class sizes are no more than 10, to increase quality and maximise benefit. The teacher will be a graduate from the Islamic University of Madeenah.
We are also offering discounts of up to 20%* for this Summer course**
All courses materials will be provided
Enrol now to avoid disappointment.
* A 10% discount will be offered to those who pay the full fees before the start date, and a further 10% will be refunded at the end of the course for those who have over 90% attendance, late to class no more than 3 times and has achieved an overall exam result of over 90%.
** This discount is only available for the summer courses, and do not apply to every course that we organise and run.
Our main teacher is Brother Mu'aawiyah Tucker, (Graduate from Islamic University of al-Madeenah in Islamic Law), and his Wife.
We also have running Sisters KickBoxing classes
Kickboxing For sisters only
Lesson will take place on Friday's 9:30am-10:30
also on Wednesday's 6:00pm-8:00. Please contact us asap, as spaces get full very quickly.
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![]() | Sarf Book 1 - Dammaj ====== sarf 2 book - dammaj | by Nasrin for everyone |
![]() | qiraa'at books taught in dammaj | by zakariyya for everyone |
as salamu alaikum these are the qiraa'at books taught in dammaj
Attachment: Hadhahi2.pdf
Attachment: Hadhahi3.pdf
Attachment: Hadhahi4.pdf
![]() | sarf books from dammaj | by zakariyya for everyone |
as salamu alaikum these are the sarf books taught in dammaj.
Attachment: sarf 2.doc
![]() | Translation of the story - Set 1 Book 9 - You Try to Read | by Nasrin for everyone |
![]() | Ma‘had-ul-Furqan’s Second Legislative & Educational Seminar | Kuwait | April 2011 | by Nasrin for everyone |
Ma‘had-ul-Furqan’s Second Legislative & Educational Seminar | Kuwait | April 2011
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the Name of Allaah, the Beneficent, the Bestower of Mercy
as-Salaamu ‘alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh.
I ask Allaah for this e-mail to reach you while you and your family are in the highest level of Eemaan and in the best of health and circumstance.
Dear Brothers and Sisters! Alhamdulillaah, Allaah, the Mighty and Sublime, has honored us, once again, by allowing us to hold our Second Legislative & Educational Seminar, which takes place in the country of Kuwait, in shaa’a Allaah.
All of the classes and subjects, of Ma‘had-ul-Furqan’s seminar, are taught by the Senior Scholars of Kuwait and their students. It is our sincere hope that you will be able to attend this seminar.
This Intensive Seminar is under the supervision and care of our beloved Shaykh, al-‘Allaamah Falaah bin Ismaa‘eel Mandakaar, may Allaah preserve him.
For more information, please visit our website (www.Mahad-ul- Furqan.org). Also, please contact us at Seminar@Mahad- ul-Furqan. org if you have any questions or concerns.
Baaraka Allaahu feekum.
Was-Salaamu ‘alaykum,
Aboo ‘Abdillaah ash-Shaamee
Audio's by the Shaykh, here.
Related: "Government Scholars"
www.salafiyyah-kuwait.blogspot.com![]() | online Arabic Study with Ummul Qura.... | by Nasrin for everyone |

Umm Al-Qura Program to Teach Arabicwww.ArabNews.com
JEDDAH, 12 May 2007 — The Umm Al-Qura University has embarked on a project to make Arabic language learning easy for non-Arabs living in the Kingdom and elsewhere in the world.The Makkah-based university, one of the oldest in the Kingdom, will develop an electronic program to facilitate learning of Arabic through the Internet and distance education system.
“We have decided to launch this project titled the Makkah Program to Teach Arabic Language to nonnative speakers considering the growing demand to learn Arabic worldwide,” said Dr. Ali Al-Harithy, head of the Institute of Arabic Language for Nonnative Speakers.
Under the new project, students will have to attend a four-semester program with 120 credit hours. “This program will be available not only for the institute’s students but also for others who can access to the institute’s website on the Internet,” he said. The website will also show live classrooms from the institute.
“Students in different countries will be able to follow lessons of this program through the Internet,” he said. Students in foreign countries, however, have to visit the Kingdom to attend a single semester to obtain additional skills.
Students attending the program will have to sit an exam in order to receive certificates. “The new system will increase the number of beneficiaries and save a lot of time and energy,” Al-Harithy said.
The examination, named Makkah Test, will be similar to Tofel for English, he said, adding it would help the university understand how successful were students to learn the language through the program. The institute, which was established in 1976, receives about 100 students from foreign countries annually under a scholarship program.Related links from Bakkah.net
------ find out if it actually start or no....
![]() | @ Ummul Qura: ARABIC LANGUAGE INSTITUTE FOR NON-NATIVE SPEAKERS | by Nasrin for everyone |
The Arabic Language Institute for non-native speakers is one of several colleges or institutes which belongs to Umm Al Qura University. The University is located in Makkah, the Holy city in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The Institute was established in the year 1395 A.H. corresponding to 1975 C.E, as part of the college of Islamic Shariah (Law).
In the year 1399 A.H./1979 C.E., the crown prince, Fahd bin Abdul Aziz, the late Custodian of the two Holy Mosques approved the request put forward to make the institute independent from the Shariah College, and to become its own deanship.
The main goal of establishing the Institute is to teach and educate Muslims all over the world the language of the Holy Quran and the basic principals of the Islamic Shariah in addition to reading and understanding the Holy Qur’an and Hadith.
The Arabic Language Program
This is a two-year program, divided into four levels. Among the major subjects taught are as follows:
1- The Holy Qur’an memorization, Tafseer (explanation), Tajweed.
2- Hadith-memorization and introduction to Hadith Sciences.
3- Conversation, development of linguistic skills, phonetics, syntax, morphology, rhetoric.
4- Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh).
5- Aqueedah (Islamic Belief).
Major components of the Scholarship
× Free tuition.
× Free accommodation for single students, both male and female. Married students who are desirous of living together are permitted to do so at their personal expense.
× Students receive stipend of 850.00 SR. monthly.
× One free round-trip air ticket every summer holiday. The objective of this facility is for students to keep physical contact with their families, relatives and the wider community in their countries.
× Textbooks and other study materials are provided free of cost.
× Free medical care at the University clinic or government’s Hospitals.
1. Three Language Laboratories.
2. Audio-visual department.
3. Library.
4. University restaurant where meals are provided at highly-subsidized price for students.
General Information
× Graduates form the Arabic Language program achieving distinction (grade A) may be considered for admission into one of the following university colleges to pursue Bachelor’s degree on a scholarship basis : -
A. College of Arabic Language & Literature.
B. College of Islamic Law Shariah .
C. College of Dawah.
× Those who are interested in applying for admission must fill out the application form attached and submit to the institute. Use of regular mail is required.
× For further information, please feel free to contact us at the address mentioned in the bottom part of the application form.
Umm AL-Qura University – A.L.Institute
Makkah Al Mukarramah P.O. Box 3712
Tel : +9662 5562525
Fax 009662 5542511
E-mail : instarab@uqu.edu.sa
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