Learning Arabic

Blog EntryDec 8, '09 4:15 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
Attachment: 237_ArabicPod_C_AUD.pdf
Blog EntryDec 6, '09 12:16 PM
by Nasrin for everyone

السؤال الأول    
الجملتان معناهما واحد لكن بعد الفعل يحزنون نستعمل  حرف الجر على
- لا يحزنون على ما يعملون في المستقبل
- سوف لا يندمون على عملهم في المستقبل

و أيضا
على  -   ل  - صحيحان - علي مساعدتك أو 
Blog EntryDec 5, '09 11:09 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
check it out, it is really good. the audio with it very useful. very good summery on the use of fathatayn. alhamdulillah.
Attachment: 229_ArabicPod_C.pdf
Blog EntryDec 5, '09 8:42 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
it is from a site, i liked the proverbs. mash-allah.

i don't know about the ppl and the site.

in the file you have nice words analysis after mention of the proverbs etc.
Attachment: 81_ArabicPod_B.pdf
Attachment: 81_ArabicPod_B_AUD.pdf
Blog EntryDec 5, '09 1:30 PM
by Nasrin for everyone

Learning Arabic


Alhamdu Lillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'Ala Rasulillah Wa Ba'd.

All of us know by now the importance of learning the Arabic language in order to understand the relgion. Shaikh Ul Islam Ibn Taymeeyah said:

"The Arabic language itself is part of Islâmand knowing Arabic is an obligatory duty. If it is a duty to understand the Qur‘ân and Sunnah, and they cannot be understood without knowing Arabic, then the means that is needed to fulfill the duty is also obligatory."

However, there are a few points to be made: 
  • One can understand the religion in English. However, this would be limitedMeaning that the person who does not know Arabic Language can learn the basics of Islam like Tawheed, prayer, fasting etc and in some cases may even know it better than some Arabs themselves. But, if one wants to go further than that limit Arabic must be studied.
  • The language of the 'Ulama is Arabic therefore in order to learn under them and understand what they say one must learn it.
  • It is the language of the majority of the books of knowledge. Therefore one must learn it in order to access it.
In other words Arabic one of the keys to learning Islam however we must be careful of the following pitfalls: 
  1. Going too deep in the Arabic language. Because a person is an excpert in Arabic language it does not mean that he is an expert in Islam. And one does not have to be an expert in Arabic to have expertise in Islam. However, one learns Arabic in order that he speaks and reads properly. As some of the Salaf have said: "The first part of Arabic language is work and the last of it is transgression."And once Imam Malik was in a sitting and a man wearing silk came to him and said: "You made a mistake in so and so." Then Imam Malik :rahim: said: "For you to know what is Halaal and Haraam for you is better than you knowing I made a mistake in grammar." And also Shaikh Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab and Shaikh Muqbil Ibn Haadi was asked if being a grammarian is compulsory to give Da'wah and they both said no. Therefore, one should not be disparaged because they may make some mistakes in it.
  2. Being arrogant after learning it. We find many brothers, may Allah guide them, after learning some of the Arabic language feel that they are Shaikh Ul Islam and can speak about any issue however they wish to speak about it. You find them making serious errors in their speech as relates to belief, methodology etc. and when corrected they display their ignorance. And this is from the deception of the Shaitaan. We must realize that knowledge is a long road and that quoting the Fatwa of an Alim is not sufficientRather knowledge is understanding what is within the book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Messenger :saw: and the principles which the Ulama have devised from both.Therefore, if one is reading books and listening to tapes it requires verification in order to get a proper understanding along with consulting the Ulama or students of knowledge.
And one must know that not everying will go back to the meaning of words and the grammar. Each science has a different language. The science of Hadeeth has a different language, Usuul Ul Fiqh has a different language, Fiqh has its language, Hadeeth has its language, Tawheed has its language etc. Therefore one has to learn the terminologies of Ulama in order to understand Islam and he cannot rely upon dictionaries alone. 

In concluding I advise my brothers and sisters to put Arabic in its proper place. Do not say that I don't have to learn Arabic because I can pray, fast etc. No, this is not correct. Learning Arabic is essential to understanding the religion since the Qur'an and the Sunnah is in Arabic. 

And do not make Arabic language the whole religion where one would say that it is impossible to understand the religion unless you reach the level of a gramarian. Rather we use the study of Arabic so that we would be able to read, write and speak in the language. However, in order to understand the sciences of the religion one must take from its experts.
لـ( نحو ) ، و ( مثل ) وشبهِهِما حالتانِ :
الأولى : أن تأتيَ بعد تمامِ الكلامِ .
الثانية : أن تأتيَ قبلَ تمامِ الكلامِ .

+ فإن جاءت بعدَ تمامِ الكلامِ ، كقولِك : ( الفاعل مرفوعٌ ؛ نحو " ذهبَ الرجلُ " ) ،فيجوزُ فيها الوجهانِ : الرفعُ ، والنصبُ .

= أما النصبُ ، فلأنَّها كلمةٌ واقِعةٌ في جملةٍ مكمِّلةٍ لجملةٍ قبلَها . وما كان كذلكَ ، جازَ نصبُه، سواءٌ كانَت الجملةُ توكيديَّةً ؛ نحوَ : ( هذا ابني حقًّا ) . ومنه قوله تعالى :  وعدَ الله لا يخلف الله وعدَه  ، وقوله :  صنع الله الذي أتقن كلَّ شيء  ، أو تشبيهيةً ؛ نحوَ قولِ امرئ القيس بنِ حُجْرٍ الكِنديِّ :
نطعنُهم سلكَى ومخلوجةً *** كرَّك لأمينِ على نابلِ
وكقولِ عُروةَ بنِ الورْدِ العبْسيِّ :
وإن بعُدوا لا يأمنون اقترابَهُ *** تشوُّفَ أهلِ الغائبِ المتنظَّرِ
أو تمثيليةً . ويدخُلُ في التمثيليةِ موضِعُ المسألةِ ( نحو ) ، و ( مثل ) . وتُعرَبُ في هذه الأنواعِ مفعولاً مطلَقًا ، عاملُه فِعلٌ محذوفٌ حذفًا واجبًا ، وتقدِّرُه من جنسِ المصدرِ ؛ فعلى هذا تقدِّره في موضِع المسألة ( ينحو ) . وهذه الأنواعُ يجمعُ بينَها أنَّها تفصيلٌ لكلامٍ مجمَلٍ قبلَها ، فيهِ دَليلٌ عليها ، ولو باللزومِ . ألا ترَى أنَّك لو سمعتَ قائلاً يقولُ : ( الفعل المضارع يُجزم إذا دخلت عليه " لم " ) ، ثم سكَتَ ، أمكنكَ أن تستخرجَ لذلكَ مِثالاً ؛ وإن لم يكن لك بذلك سابقُ علمٍ = إذا عرفتَ معنَى الجزْمِ . فإذا قالَ بعدَها : ( نحوَ : لم يذهبْ ) لم يزِد إلى علمِك علمًا ؛ ولكنَّه أطنبَ ، وفصَّلَ ، ودرأ الرِّيَبَ ، وحملَ عنك مئونةَ النظرِ في اللوازمِ ؛ فلذلكَ امتنعَ ذِكر الفعلِ فيها ؛ إذ كان ذكرُه لغوًا .
ويجوزُ أن تعربَه حالاً ، وتُؤوِّله بمشتقٍّ نكرةً ، كما أولتَه في قولِك : ( مررتُ برجلٍ مثلِك ) ؛ أي : مماثلٍ لكَ .
أما إعرابُها مفعولاً بهِ لفعلٍ محذوفٍ تقديرُه ( أعني ) ، فلا يصِحُّ ، لأنَّه تقديرٌ غيرُ جارٍ على كلامِ العربِ ، ولا موافقٍ أقيستَها . ولو أجزناه ، لجاز أن يقال : ( جاء رجلٌ محمدًا ) على تقديرِ ( أعني محمدًا ) .

= وأما الرفعُ ، فعلى أن تعربَه خبرًا لمبتدأ محذوفٍ ، تقديرُه ( وذلكَ ) أو ( وهذا ) . وإنما جازَ حذفُ المبتدأ هنا للقرينةِ المقاليَّة ، لأنَّ في ما تقدَّم من الكلامِ دَليلاً عليهِ . وقد قرئ : ذلك عيسى بن مريم قول الحقِّ  برفعِ  قول  ونصبِهِ ؛ فالرفع على أن يكون خبرًا لمبتدأ محذوف ، والنصبُ على أن يكون مفعولاً مطلَقًا لفعلٍ محذوفٍ . وقرئ أيضًا : صبغة الله  برفع  صبغة  ونصبها . وقرئ أيضًا :  وابن السبيل فريضة من الله برفع  فريضة  ونصبها . كلُّها على التقدير المتقدِّمِ .

+ فإن جاءت قبلَ تمام الكلامِ ، فإنك تعربُها بحَسَب موقِعِها ؛ تقولُ : ( الاسمُ مثلُ زيدٍ دالٌّ على ذاتٍ ) ؛ فتعربُ ( مثل ) نعتًا لـ ( الاسم ) وإن كانَ غيرَ موافقٍ له ؛ إذ ( مثل ) ، و ( غير ) ، و ( نحو ) من الكلمات الموغلة في الإبهامِ ؛ فلا يُشترَط فيها ذلكَ ؛ ألا ترى أنك تقولُ : ( مررت برجال مثلِك ) ، و ( رجلين مثلِك ) على تأويلِها بمشتقّ نكرةٍ موافقٍ . وحكى سيبويه من الصفةِ : ( ما يحسن بالرجلِ مثلِك أن يفعلَ ذاك ) . وتؤوِّلُه بالمعرفةِ المشتقّة ؛ أي : بالرجلِ المماثلِ لكَ . ومنه قوله تعالى :  صراط الذين أنعمتَ عليهم * غيرِ المغضوبِ عليهم  . ويجوز أن تجعلَه بدلاً من ( الاسم ) ، ويجوز أيضًا أن تجعلَه حالاً على تأويلِه بالنكرةِ .
وتقولُ أيضًا : ( هذا الشيءُ مثلُ ذلك الشيء ) ؛ فتعربُ ( مثل ) خبرًا . وتقولُ : ( سرتُ نحوَ البيت ) ؛ فتعربُ ( نحو ) ظرفَ مكانٍ . وعلى هذا القياسُ .
Blog EntryNov 19, '09 12:57 PM
by Nasrin for everyone

Aljaromiyah and it's audios and text info.

I was going to share the chats of Aljaromiya as i study now. But i thought i should delay it until i finish the book then i can do it as review in detail. Insha-Allah. otherwise, it takes my study time away. After i am done, i will take a little time off to do it and share insha-Allah.

I was using this audio - and the speaker is a fast reader but i like the audio.

 Full Audio here: AGROOM.mp3

I broke down for ease in memorization.

the problem is that the speaker misses text in the reading.

in Mubtada and Khabr section, he just left full khabr paragraph. that was sad. But yea and in other part - he left a word.

as i finish the book, i will see what else he missed. insha-Allah.

and there is another audio i found - it is slow and the speaker reads nice, what the above speaker missed, he didn't miss that. but the audio is kind of noise and i don't like this slow. but yea, if you find it beneficial, then go ahead to download and benefit insha-Allah.

This is another audio i found - the text of this is found in the book below as well. Alhamdulillah.

and the finally i  am using the text for the aljaromiyah is from the book:

the book has full vowel marks so  i thought as first time i should memorize with an accurate text version. and vowel marks help to understand accurately what is happening in the text in grammar point of view and also meaning.

Blog EntryNov 18, '09 1:08 PM
by Nasrin for everyone

Explanation of Al-Fiya by Shaykh Uthaymeen.

Ash-Sheikh Muhammad bin Salih Al-Uthaymeen explains the famous Arabic grammar matn: Alfiya bin Malik. 

I bought this book very recently, alhamdulillah. I dont know which other store beside rimarket.net sells it. I was so happy to see it and couldn't wait to buy it. Alhamdulillah i had money so i ordered as soon as possible before it runs out of stock.

it is still in stock. so buy it insha-Allah.

it's audio is found @ http://www.ibnothaimeen.com at audio section

and may on other side.

it is an advance grammar book. i tried to read first couple of pages, looked advance mash-Allah, it doesn't start with beginning grammar. alhamdulillah.

I was told al-fiyah is a very advance grammar book on both grammar and sarf.

 As Shaykh Uthaymeen advised, in this book - The book of Knowledge - a student of knowledge should take to buy books when can afford and built library. I always thought of it this way. It is very beneficial that one buys beneficial books when one has money to buy them and when books are found before a time when one does not have money to buy books and when books are not found. Many books come out and then goes out of stock and print.

So insha-Allah Buy BOoks When you can afford and make your library.
Insha-Allah you will always benefit from them. 

Essential Tools in Learning anything specifically Arabic Language

Writing is like one of the important matter in learning Arabic Language, you hear many teachers tell you, write, write... I know of two teachers i benefited from - one of them will keep telling write write...

Alhamdulillah. I like writing Arabic very much. I am not so organized in my writing though. It is just writing to absorb the lesson being taught.

I like the use of notepad very much with the clip board alhamdulillah with good quality papers. and Pencil is the thing i only use. I kind of forgot how to use pen and i don't use it so often at all.

I was looking to buy notepad and notebooks for a while as my last ones were almost done. Alhamdulillah, after trying here and there, i finally went out other day to one of the store near us and bought 12 notepads in a pack, and 3 other composition notebook. alhamdulillah. I was very happy with the good price for the notepads - 12 notepads for only about $4 dollars or a little more than $4 dollars with the taxes.

i was going to buy these same ones if i didn't find 12 sold together from $.99 cents - 2 notepads in a pack for $.99 cents - + 0.08 cents taxes.

Not all notepads papers are good where my pencils run well. one of the sister out of her kindness gave me a notepad, but sadly i cannot use it, the paper isn't good for my pencil to run. i tried to use it but i don't like it. so i left it. 

the notepads have 50 sheets in each single notepads. this is good alhamdulillah. if it was too think, it would be hard to use in clipboard. 

Finding the good lead for pencil is a tough matter, the lead box you see here is the best one i believe, it is rated as #1 too as mentioned on its pack. It does not break after like every few seconds as some of the leads do. 

I bought a lot of leads last term from my school stores - i still have few boxes left and i told my sister to buy me a box other day. each box have 12 leads pieces and each box costs 0.99 cents + 0.08 cents taxes. so in total $1.08 cents.

i won't say it is too bad as the good papers and good leads are hard to find in my opinion and i cannot be running around for them too much either.

Finding these composition notebooks with good quality papers was hard but alhamdulillah i found them in the store near our house - so i got 3 of them. each is 0.99 cents + 0.08 cents taxes. and they have 100 sheets in the notebook. i didn't mind the piece so long my paper is good enough for me to write.

my father got me 150 pages notebooks from wholesale stores and they paper quality was good. i gave money to my brother to get me those but he couldn't find. in their wholesale stores, 100 pages ones have bad papers.

alhamdulillah i was very happy to buy my notebooks and notepads as i needed very much and there will be much materials for me to write soon insha-allah.

and the eraser - i like these pen type eraser very much, they last long and excellent for erasing - very good quality. i think they costed $.99 cents + tax. i bought couple of them last term from school store, i lost one of them - didn't feel happy but alhamdulillah, now this is the last one i have. i hope it last long insha-allah.

and the pencil - i like these light pencil as they are light and easy on the hand, i have some big fat ones, i don't like it although they have good eraser at the end of  them. these light ones, their end eraser is bad but i still use - it leaves black marks on the back though.

i bought a pack of these last term from school stores, i still have 2 left. alhamdulillah. i think the pack had 6 of them, i think lost couple of them in school and gave one to someone. 

and the clipboard - i like them very much. i think i got them for i think $1.50 something like that. it was good price compare to what they are sold for in stores like staples - mash-allah.

i am making useing of my 4 clipboars well. alhamdulillah.

beside the notebooks and notepads, all other things i bought from my colllege bookstore. alhamdulillah.
they sell good stuffs. alhamdulillah. 

FIVE SETS of Textbooks to Learn Arabic - Which ONE is BEST?

Bismillah ir rahman ir raheem
asalamualikum warahma tullahi wabaraka tuhu

I really wished to write this review very much. I hope Allah will make it a benefit for all insha-Allah including myself.
what i like about all these FIVE SETS of Books is that they all have lessons and then follows up by Exercises. 

First Thing: How to study the books by yourself?
Suggestion: I like this very much, people studying on their own. I have very great issue with people who when you advise them to study on their own, they will say something like, "I need someone to teach me right in front of me face to face, teach me by writing on board etc...". I mean you don't leave off learning from people when there are good people giving classes, but when there is none to learn from you just don't sit home and do nothing making such excuse, you can't learn by yourself, you need someone to teach you. what a thing on earth. Leave this excuse behind and get up and get ready to study hard insha-Allah.

To study: Look at how much time you have each day that you can spend to study. Then, look at the book that you want to study. Look at each lessons and decide how many lessons you can finish in a day. After you have decided that, make a start date and end date and be on top of your schedule to finish your work. Do not slack of insha-Allah. Do your best to finish your work by the due date.

Like a friend of mine said to me: keep a break time, you need it. I would say this too. I think one needs a break in the middle of the day if one studies all day.

Writing the Head of the Matter: I truly think writing out what one goes over helps a lot to absorve what one learns. I didn't like to write so much before but now alhamdulillah for the tawpiq of Allah, i write as i study. I just can't leave the writing alone anymore. and i truly believe it benefits one to learn faster so much. Alhamdulillah. I would say, as one goes over - Write out almost the full book as you study insha-Allah. [I don't write any English parts - no English wriitng - whatever in Arabic that's what i write out alhamdulillah] 

Now these are some text books out there to learn Arabic and i am sure there are more. Alhamdulillah i have these 5 sets and i have gone over them and seen what's in them. So i would like to share some of my words on each books insha-Allah.

 The First set of books that are world wide known. This set is found online in full with its
3 sets of Text Books 
3 books Grammar Keys
3 books Solution manuals with all answer key to all exercises 
and the Glossary
 along with DVD and Audio lessons found online for download and watch for FREE 

There is teacher teaching version of these books as well. 
[I don't hve that]

[There is one site that sells all these and lets one download for free download except for teacher teaching version books]

This completes the full set Alhamdulillah. Over the time, i bought everything to complete this set alhamdulillah. Most of my Arabic i learned from this set so far Alhamdulillah due to finishing the full set Alhamdulillah.

The book is great and the 3rd book is a great book with so much grammar in that book in much detail and exercises.

Book one is simple - teaches mostly nouns and its rules, second book on verbs of 3 letters and its rules and book 3 teaches you details of book and 2 and more grammars that you can find in Aljaromiyah. 

By the time you finish book 3, you should be very good with all grammar rules of Aljaromiyah in brief detail at least insha-Allah.

Al-Kitaab fii Ta'allum al-'Arabiyya with DVDs: A Textbook for Beginning Arabic

 This set of Text Books has

Four Textbooks
First book - alif baa is to teach only letters and some new words and writing
then from First vol on starts the teaching of Arabic and its grammar
So textbook is from Vol 1 to 3
There is solution manual to first book - alif baa to Vol # 2
There is no solutional manual for last vol. as it is a very advance grammar. I believe they assumed by that time you should be excellent in Arabic Insha-Allah.
The Set also includes DVD for First 3 books and for the last book you have MP3 CD for the Book. 

This is the textbook that was taught and is taught in our City College of New York and also at Hunter College and Queens College and other Colleges.

This is a English <> Arabic Book i.e. there is English to Explain Arabic terms and words and Grammar and more. The book is ok.

at the beginning of each lessons you have list of words to memorize then you have exercies to do and then you have some reading and exercies on that.

I have finished almost the full book in College - upto 19 or 18th lessons. Then i finished rest of the book by myself. I bought all four books and solutions for second book to third one.

I finished upto 6th lessons of the second book. I liked book two more than book one. Book two is very advance and you can feel how much works it has .I gave 3 days to finish one lessons and it wasn't enough. i felt like if i wanted to finish each lessons well then i needed about 5 days.

I did not like the method of learning new words from these books. There is no dialog which makes it easy to learn new words. In book two, you have like 4 to 5 pages long new words in each lessons. in DVD they just read words and say a sentence about each. Well there are more reading in book 2, so by doing that you learn words but authors suggests you memorize words before you read which is best otherwise you be flipping pages as they said.

But yea beside that part i like from book 2 - vol 2 to vol 3 as they are advance. book - vol 1 is ok - not so advance but there are so many important grammar taught. you won't feel it unless you go over Madinah books because Madinah book does not touch these grammars until in 3rd and last vol of it. mash-Allah.

Well, there is one thing i realized each author and book has its own method.
Madinah book looked more organized than this book and other books.

For vol 1, you don't need DVD so much, i didn't use it at all almost but from Vol 2 you need it very much.

You can buy these books at amazon.com and also many other sites.

Just each by its name. 

Arabic Between Your Hands العربية بين يديك 

This book set has Three volumes 
and they come with MP3 CD of the full book reading except for some exercies
There is Arabic to Arabic Dictionary comes with this set.  

The Book set also has a teacher teaching version of these books. In the teacher version you have the solution to the Exams in the books and also the exercies and more.

Alhamdulillah all books and dictionary and i hope to buy teachers' version of these books very much as well insha-allah. 

Alhamadulillah i was able to finish First Vol. of this set so far. Alhamdulillah. I looked through all sets grammar and i see all grammars will be review for one who finished Madinah Arabic Course in full [upto last and 3rd vol].

The Books are really good and i like the fact that they have dialog to teach new words very much.

You have about 3 dialog in each chapters and after that you have new words list and then you have a lot of exercies for writing and reading.

Vol 1 - teaches only new words without focusing much on Grammar at all, but Vol 2 on you have a lot of grammar coming from Vol 2 - teaching with nice charts mash-Allah.

 i saw these books last year Summar, [2008] and when i saw these books filled with real people picures, i ran off but i did download its ebook version and also mp3 and i tried to listen to the audios - i liked audios but i didn't have time to go over them. But i was hesitant to touch the book because of amount of pictures in them. 

Then after reading the reviw of Brother Aboo Imraan, i decided to buy the books, so i bought them at the beginning of this summer [2009] - all 3 vols. alhamdulillah.

The book are sold for so much cheap price at its official site but other store sells for $45 dollars that is double the price. The store in brooklyn didn't lower the price - i didn't complain with good excuse so yea, they still sell for $45 dollars but for online store, i complained good alhamdulillah, they were very kind to check through whole company and lower the price to $34.99 dollars - very good price Alhamdulillah compare to the excuses they have. Alhamdulillah.

These books have Self Exams at the end of each 2 lessons and there is a mid-book exam and end-book exam as well for the vol 1.

for vol 2 - you have - a start-book exam, then exam after every 2 lessons and then mid-book exam and then end-book exam and same goes for vol 3.

So this is something very helpful Alhamdulillah and i like it very much and there is so much reading and writing and exercies from Vol 2 on that you can feel the books are very intensive and advance Alhamdulillah.

So to compare this set with Madinah Arabic Course - In terms of organization in teaching Grammar, Madinah Arabic Course Book wins
In terms of teaching new words and giving you speaking ability by teaching you a lot of conversation, this book is best. Really. Alhamdulilllah.

in vol 1 of this set, you have a lot of conversation that they just skip Subject and just tells you the Predicate [in complete sentences], so if you know grammar, you know the rest is hidden and understood and grammar rules are applied that way.

This is FOUR Vol. Set
the book is a translation of a set of book by an author and this book is taught in many country in schools to teach Arabic.

There is said to be a solution to these books but i haven't seen them. I have the four books. These are found online for free PDF download as will.

I finished some parts of vol. 1 and finished vol. 2. and looked through vol. 3 and 4.

The books are really good in teaching you grammar. By vol. 4, they give you so much details of grammar and words construction that you cannot find in Madinah Arabic Course books that i feel very happy i bought these books. Alhamdulillah.

The books are set in this mannar,
they have teach you some grammar rules and its detail in each lessons and then gives you a list of new words and then gives you exercieses and then self test.

I like doing exercieses very so i am very happy. After reading a lot of grammar rules, one need to practice and apply them to get them in the head well. Otherwise, much of the reading may fly off. 

After finishing Madinah Arabic Course and also Al-Arabiya Bayna Ya Dayk, if you finish this four sets you will expend your Arabic Grammar Knowledge a Great Deal insha-Allah. I plan to finish these books in near future insha-Allah with finishing the Exercises insha-Allah. I just read the book but no writing out of Exerciese sor doing them. So, i don't feel like i have gone over it yet.

 Exciting Grammar القواعد المشوقة للطلاب

 This is a Text Book set intended for Middle School students of Arabic lands. This is a four vol. set.
I just found them in a onine store and bought them hoping to learn and benefit. alhamdulillah.

First Vol. teaches you Arabic Letters and A LOT of NEW WORDS - mash-Allah and there are little story here and there and exercies.

I read through about half of first book, i like the fact its funny type book but i felt confused to do the exercies. Maybe it was due to my lack of vocab.. Couple of times i felt like selling them back but then when i look into vol 3 and 4, i see so much works, i kept them.

The books starts by being simple and then goes deep and becomes Advance. A lot of grammar are taught by vol. 4 and a lot of reading and exercies Alhamdulillah.

There are cartoon type pictures - what i don't like is that all stuffs have faces, so i had to cover up all funny pictures that i didn't like to look at in  vol 1 and 2, vol . 1 has more pictures than vol. 2.

pictures amount go down by vol 4.


It could be a good text book to learn ARabic for the beginner - maybe with a teacher [just sayingit because i found it confusing, not like Al-Arabiyah bayna ya dayk].

I think i will go over this book as the last book insha-Allah.

The Order in which i would suggest for myself and others to go over these FIVE sets of Text book is: 

# 1: Madinah Arabic Course [with its full set and DVD and Audio Lessons]
# 2 : Al-Arabiyah Bayna Ya Dayk [it would be good to have a teacher just to learn the new words meaning OR good dictonary use - as Al-Mawrid or Hans Wahr & use of teachers' version of these books for solutions and answer key]
# 3: Arabic Tutor [for Grammar review and detail learning]
# 4 : Al-Kitaab fii Ta'allum Al-Arabiyah [with its DVDs and MP3 and Answer keys - solution manuals]
# 5: The Exciting Grammar [for grammar review and learning of new words]

OR this order
# 1: Madinah Arabic Course [with its full set and DVD and Audio Lessons]

# 2 : Al-Kitaab fii Ta'allum Al-Arabiyah [with its DVDs and MP3 and Answer keys - solution manuals] This suggestion is only for you to learn GOOD amount of Arabic Words so you do not feel discourage to go over the book all alone by yourself, and then leave off your learning of Arabic by yourself while you have no ne to teach you. insha-Allah.
# 3 : Al-Arabiyah Bayna Ya Dayk [it would be good to have a teacher just to learn the new words meaning OR good dictonary use - as Al-Mawrid or Hans Wahr & use of teachers' version of these books for solutions and answer key]
# 4: Arabic Tutor [for Grammar review and detail learning]
# 5: The Exciting Grammar [for grammar review and learning of new words]

Alhamdulillah End of my LONG review. I hope Allah makes it a benefit for many insha-allah.
i am just sharing b/c sometimes i feel as i type up i learn here and there alhamdulillah.

asalamualikum wa rahma tullahi wabaraka tuhu...

i uploaded some more posts, most of it goes for level 2 but some of it for each is also for level 1. so look and see. insha-allah. i like the charts... they look nice 'smile'.

i hope you enjoy. all materials at my blog: 


Blog EntryNov 2, '09 12:56 PM
by Nasrin for everyone


the style of binding ebooks i shared in the above link blog, this is the picture of how my binded ebooks look like. i like it, looks like book to me. alhamdulillah.

i am binding more too alhamdulillah

Modern Standard Arabic Grammar: A Concise Guide (Paperback)

Azza Hassanein (Author)
i tried to find the book online as PDF but i wasn't able to so ordered it. haven't got it at hand yet. hope to soon insha-allah.
find a portion of this book here: http://books.google.com/books?id=A0XbWzUBQi4C&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q=&f=false - the section given in here is very beneficial which led me to buy the book. so insha-allah check it and benefit from what you have for free.
Blog EntryOct 23, '09 10:55 AM
by Nasrin for everyone
Binding E-Books in a better and Smarter way! 

I was thinking of binding some of my ebooks that i already made holes on and had them in binders in the below manner. i don't like binders and was almost giving away my nice ebooks that i kept. But few days ago, i wanted to read couple of them, and when i took the books in hand, i took to bind them first. Alhamdulillah. After i binded the ebooks, they looked so beautiful and so easy to handle and read from - just like books except they don't have hard cover so kind of soft to handle. Thus, got to be careful with them otherwise pages will fold fast here and there, which i do not like at all. 

The tools you need are: 

- any types of strong thread  - i used yarn: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/167/454505924_18a0f00927.jpg 

- crochet needle - i think this will do the job of pulling the threads up and down the hole as you need: picture you can find here: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3219/2596954886_6297d77e5e.jpg

- also any type of thick paper as front and back cover - i think this could be it: http://www.staples.com/office/supplies/StaplesSearch?searchkey=cover+paper&storeId=10001&catalogId=10051&langId=-1&fromUrl=home

- thick sticky tapes - you should find best tape - there are i believe book binding tapes out there, i saw a type once - white and very thick and sticky - that would be best to use - something you find here: http://www.staples.com/office/supplies/StaplesSearch?searchkey=book+binding+tape&storeId=10001&catalogId=10051&langId=-1&fromUrl=home


So first thing you do is to make holes in the papers - including the thick cover papers and paper should end up looking something like this, if you use 3 hole puncher: http://www.staples.com/Staples-Multipurpose-Paper-8-1-2-x-11-3-HOLE-PUNCHED-Case/product_562786?cmArea=SC1:CG10:DP1424:CL140691:SS1003387

one thing i believe is that - the more holes you make - the better and stronger the book binding will be.  i don't mean too many. if you did 3 holes as in the picture, then there should be 2 more holes in between the holes. can you picture it? i hope so.

after you have done this, then next is the binding with the thread. you should bind with the thread well between the holes and the holes and the outside taking the thread in and out and connecting the holes. here is a picture that shows something similar but i do not like the side binding at the top and bottom: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2236/2178355438_5066afd2e2.jpg

after you have done this, you can cover up the binding with the thread area with the thick sticky tape. 

and then you are done. Be Creative in your way, and you will really like your binding so much. i love mine. alhamdulillah. Better than those fed-ex binding and staples binding. WAY better. alhamdulillah.

There are so many books out there - mostly books of shaykh uthaymeen, i converted couple of them into PDF and then my sister printed them out for me and i binded them, looks so nice. alhamdulillah.

i am sorry i could give my binded books pictures. too much work, already took so much time and i don't have camera - my sister is not home - so don't know where she kept hers.

and that's it. have fun in binding and reading....

was-salamualikum wa rahma tullahi wabaraka tuhu

Blog EntryOct 23, '09 10:51 AM
by Nasrin for everyone
2 GREAT Grammar E-BooksOct 21, '09 10:30 PM
by Nasrin for everyone

both of them are good. second is better. mash-Allah. both of them found as PDF and i have uploaded them on the above link pages along with others. hope you all benefit insha-allah.

All the books saved in this above 4shared site link is very beneficial, really beneficial. alhamdulillah. if you can buy then good, if not, print and bind, excellent. i will post a method of binding shortly. use it, i use it, i like the binded books by myself very much. alhamdulillah.

A Reference Grammar of Modern Standard Arabic (Reference Grammars) (Paperback)


A New Arabic Grammar of the Written Language (Paperback)



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