

MaashaaAllah, they have sooooo much work since 2008 until now. check this page and there is also audio along with the lessons.

and i really hope Indonesian bro&sis. benefits from this site. and i hope inshaaAllah this site is salafi. InshaaAllah but i am not 100% sure, so please watch out your steps as you browse. Remember, i only shared this site to Learn ARabic.
LinkApr 5, '10 3:23 PM
by Nasrin for everyone

they set up the site to teach you words, nice, not bad but only gives for free for 10 + days then you have to pay some money ... there is a free train so check it out.

LinkApr 5, '10 2:07 AM
by Nasrin for everyone

the site has many cards - a lot from book - alkitab book that is taught in USA Uni.s


دروس اللغة العربية



تعليم الكتابة
LinkMar 31, '10 12:25 PM
by Nasrin for everyone

i might have posted it before, brother shares much maashaaAllah. may Allah reward him. ameen
LinkMar 28, '10 6:49 PM
by Nasrin for everyone

this site some very nice stuffs, but please do not click on prayer and wudhu and other links beside arabic, they don't have sahih stuffs so beware. just arabic stuffs - that is ok
LinkMar 25, '10 6:25 PM
by Nasrin for everyone

you see there are different edition, a new edition has a CD with it maashaaAllah.

i just found the site, have no idea how it is. they have free trail offer, so maybe one of you can check and let us know.

check it.

nice blog, shares a lot of stuffs. check it out..

i liked the site so far, just did few quizzes , i really wish i had someone to check so this is a nice page to check on myself 'smile
LinkJan 13, '10 6:20 PM
by Nasrin for everyone

I hope you all will enjoy the stories. the sound quality is really good Alhamdulillah and we don't have to watch anything. and no other sound. Alhamdulillah. may Allah make this little effort for His sake and make it a benefit for all of us. Ameen.

alkitaab book 1 mp3, this is the book taught in USA universities.
LinkJan 11, '10 12:39 PM
by Nasrin for everyone

i don't know the site so be careful in your looking through... leave off - if all is unknown


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